Wolvaren Aschined Character in Chronicles of Canto Laseh | World Anvil
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Wolvaren Aschined (Wole-vahr-ehn Ah-shin-ehd)

Wolvaren Aschined was the Voyahdae Ahleet Bouyr of the Raven Clan. Hearing of the deal being offered by the Equinos Court, Wolvaren led a large contingent of their warriors to hear more about what was being offered. A bit more wary of Faerie contracts, the questioning led to negotiations than ended in a deal between Wolvaren and their warriors and the Equinos Court. When the Equinos Court created the Arcanites, the Raven Clan warriors as well, Narahdoh's interference was unable to break Wolvaren and their warrior's willing contract, though the attempt to enslave them failed. Cursed into strange new creatures, in part due to their technologically advanced armor, and with a severe mistrust of the Fae, Wolvaren and their warriors returned to their home. Feared, at first, Wolvaren was able to communicate with the Sanctuary with the help of some elven druids and led the remainder of the clan into the Koorsay Jungle. This disappearance, considered strategic to ensure the survival of the Raven Clan, is believed to be the origin of the name for Ravenfell Keep and may also be the origin of the Ravensedge Barony, itself.

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