Arctus Court Organization in Chronicles of Canto Laseh | World Anvil
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Arctus Court

The Arctus Court stands to the far south on Dahvatine, though even their hardy power is not enough for them to travel safely to the center of that continent. Publicly led by Queen Mags and the controlling power behind the Arctus Elves, the Court stands between the Material Plane and those denizens from beyond that are a danger to existence itself.

With no true concept of morality or ethics, they stick strictly to the Laws of Hospitality. One must not forget, however, that they have a long memory and are known for holding grudges against those who have slighted them according to those Laws. While unable to lie, their talent for doublespeak and obfuscation have made even the lawyers of Vaysoom look like amateurs.

Geopolitical, Empire

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