Vulcus - Elder Dragon of Fire Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Vulcus - Elder Dragon of Fire

Father of Fire, Lord of Heat, Deity of the iternat Flame Vulcus

In the time of myths and legends, the elder dragon of fire, Vulcus, was consumed by jealousy and used his children and elementals to burn away the life from the face of the world. The war between Vulcus and the forces of creation lasted for many years, and the land was left scarred and desolate.

During this time, the Banished One, a mysterious figure who had been exiled from the world, saw an opportunity to create a new race of beings. Using the fallen bodies of the children of the Dragons, the Banished One crafted the first giants, imbuing them with incredible strength and resilience.

Despite their newfound power, the giants were no match for Vulcus and his forces of destruction. The first hive, which had been established by the giants, was destroyed, and the queens were forced to flee to the eight corners of the world. Even the elder dragon of earth, Garthum, was unable to stop Vulcus, and his stone-like scales melted under the fire dragon's assault.

In the end, it was Cerus, the First God of War, who defeated Vulcus, shattering his body and dividing his power among himself, the Banished One, and the children of the fire dragon. Some of Vulcus's scales flew high into the aether and now illuminate the dark night sky, a constant reminder of his legacy.

One of the children of the god of war, Svaros, took the remains of Vulcus and forged them into a suit of armor, which is now worn by Velena, the current goddess of War and Strategy. The spawns of Vulcus, the red dragons, were punished for their actions. For 10 generations in their bloodline, they were deemed to be mindless beasts. It was only after they had developed a humanoid appearance that they were again gifted with consciousness.

Today, the body of Vulcus lies on an island off the coast of Firefall Lake. This island has become a sacred place for the followers of the God of War, and the greatest temple to Cerus has been erected there. Some say that the island is still infused with the power of Vulcus, and that the spirits of the dragons who once served him still roam its shores.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Cerus- First God of War
Place of Death
center of Firefall Lake
fire red, blasing infernos
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bright red, firy light shining trough the scales

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