The Lineage Crest Item in Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Lineage Crest

Journal entry, Florianus, imperial scholar, in the 23rd year of the fifth age, on the topic of the 'Lineage Crest' at the beginning of the first age.

Verily, my journey across the lands hath allowed me to witness the many facets of this world. One such custom, that many cultures and races share amongst each other is the lineage Crest, a permanent symbol passed down from parent to child that represents their bloodline and family history, that is modified for the individual.
This unique crest is a testament to the family's lineage, and its design incorporates the many facets of their culture, heritage, and position. It is a symbol of their political power, military might, and royal bloodline. The complexity of the Crest depends on the longevity of the culture, and some, like the demigods or elves, have intricate designs representing generations of their family.
The Crest is bestowed as a form of permanent marking by temple high priests, mages, or other esteemed members of the society. It is a symbol that can be displayed as jewelry or embroidered on clothing, and people who can read heraldic symbols can interpret them with ease.
It is a mark of pride, and families hold it dear to their hearts, passing it on from one generation to the next. It is a symbol that traces back to a common ancestor, but each line has its own unique design, distilled through the generations of parents that came before.
In this way, the lineage Crest is a testament to one's bloodline and family history, a permanent symbol that represents their place in society and their standing in the world. It is a mark of heritage that one can look back upon with pride and use to inform their future.

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