The Leviathan - Graet Spirit of Entropy Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Leviathan - Graet Spirit of Entropy

A colossal entity, the embodiment of entropy, exists as a powerful force that seeks to undo all order in the universe. It is a manifestation of chaos, appearing as a massive swirling vortex of darkness, with tendrils of raw energy extending in all directions. Its form is in a constant state of flux, as it seeks to unravel the fabric of reality and return all things to their natural state of chaos. In the center of this entity lies its gaping maw, a portal to the abyss, and the inevitable end of all. The void within the entity is so immense that it seems to consume everything that comes close to it, rendering them into mere specks before being absorbed into its darkness.   Its mere presence radiates an aura of destruction and decay, causing the very fabric of reality to distort and twist. Even the most stalwart of beings can feel their will weakening in its proximity, and their thoughts become jumbled and incoherent.   Some legends speak of desperate cults that worship this entity, believing that by unleashing it upon the universe, they will bring about a new age of chaos and destruction. However, most beings regard this entity with absolute dread and fear, seeing it as an abomination that must never be unleashed upon the universe.

Divine Domains

Chaos Destruction Decay

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Leviathan seeks to unravel the fabric of reality and return everything to a state of chaos. It is believed that the Leviathan was born from the entropy that existed before the world was created, and it seeks to return the world to that state.


Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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