Laranu - The World Tree - Graet spirit of negentrophy Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Laranu - The World Tree - Graet spirit of negentrophy

Laraor is the Great Spirit of Negentropy, also known as the World Tree. As a deity, Laraor is considered a great spirit and a mate to the One supreme god.
Laraor is responsible for maintaining the one side of the balance between life and death in the world, and can be seen from basically any point on the world disc, she is a massive tree that holds the world together. It is said that Laraor's roots reach deep into the underworld, while its branches touch the heavens.
In this world, Laraor is revered for its role in sustaining life and preventing chaos and destruction. It is believed that by honoring and paying homage to Laraor, individuals can ensure a long and peaceful life, as well as the well-being of their communities.
Overall, Laraor is an important figure in the pantheon of gods and plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and stability in the world. Laraor, also known as the World Tree, is a revered Great Spirit in this world. As the deity of Negentropy, it is responsible for preserving order and balance in the universe. Its role as a mate to the One supreme god signifies its importance in the hierarchy of the divine.
The massive tree can be seen from any point on the world disc, and its roots are said to stretch deep into the underworld while its branches touch the heavens. The roots serve as a connection between the living world and the afterlife, allowing for the passage of souls between realms. The branches represent the growth and expansion of life on the physical plane.
Laraor is the sustainer of life and prevents chaos and destruction from overtaking the world. It is believed that by honoring and paying homage to the World Tree, individuals can ensure a long and peaceful life, as well as the prosperity of their communities. Its role in maintaining balance and stability in the world is crucial and has made it an important figure in the pantheon of gods.
Devotees of Laraor often participate in rituals and ceremonies to honor the deity. Offerings of fruits, flowers, and other natural elements are given to the World Tree, symbolizing the importance of nature and the interconnectedness of all living things. The tree itself is also a symbol of strength and resilience, as it can withstand the test of time and adapt to changing circumstances.
In some myths, it is said that Laraor can communicate with other Great Spirits and even the One supreme god. Its wisdom and insight make it a valuable source of guidance and inspiration for those seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe.
Overall, Laraor's role as the Great Spirit of Negentropy makes it a crucial component of the world's mythology and culture. Its presence is a constant reminder of the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Laraor is an important figure in a mythical cosmology, regarded as a Great Spirit and embodying the physical manifestation of the world tree. This tree is believed to be the foundation of the universe, and its crown extends into the sky, supporting the crystal dome that covers the world. At the top of the crown is a sacred region known as the garden of creation.

Laraor's branches are described as securely holding the world disk, which can be observed from all directions around the edge of the world. The roots of Laraor are also significant, reaching deep into the earth and weaving through the underverse. These roots extend beyond even the lowest hanging anti-spires, which are towering structures that hang upside down from the world disk. The roots of Laraor eventually stop just above the vortex maw of the leviathen, a creature of great power, and the entrance to the abyss, a place of darkness and mystery.

The story of Laraor and the world tree is an ancient myth that has been passed down through generations. It represents the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, and the importance of balance in the universe. Laraor is a symbol of the power of nature, the enduring strength of the earth, and the mysterious forces that govern our world.


Divine Classification
Graet spirit

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