Auriel - Elder Dragon of Air Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Auriel - Elder Dragon of Air

Sky Mother Auriel

Auriel, the Sky Mother, was revered as the deity of the heavens, the skies, and the winds. She was worshiped by many cultures across the realm, who saw her as the embodiment of the air and the winds. Her realm was said to be high in the clouds, where she would watch over the world below and bless it with gentle winds.

Florianus wrote extensively about the church of Auriel, which was said to be a grand and magnificent organization that was devoted to the worship of the Sky Mother. Her followers built great temples in her honor, and they believed that by worshiping her, they could receive her blessings and be protected from the harsh winds and storms. The church had many holy books and codes that were said to have been written by her followers, and these books contained the teachings of the Sky Mother and her divine domain.

Auriel's domain included the skies, the winds, and the heavens. She was seen as the bringer of life, as the winds were believed to carry the breath of life, and the skies were seen as a source of sustenance for the world below. Her divine symbols and sigils were often depicted as a pair of wings or a stylized depiction of the winds. The tenets of faith for the followers of Auriel centered around the idea that the winds were a source of life and that the Sky Mother was a protective and nurturing presence.

The divine goals of Auriel were said to be the protection of the world and its inhabitants, and to bless them with the winds and the skies. Her holidays were celebrated with great feasts and offerings to the Sky Mother, and her followers would often perform dances and rituals to honor her and seek her blessings.

Overall, Auriel was seen as a powerful and benevolent deity who watched over the world and protected it from the dangers of the winds and storms. She was revered and worshiped by many cultures across the realm, and her followers believed that by honoring her, they could receive her blessings and protection.


The artifacts attributed to Auriel were many, but the most revered of them all was the crystal dome that surrounded the world of Tyria. This dome was said to have been created by Auriel herself, who had given up much of her physical form in order to create it. Her followers believed that this act was a testament to her love and devotion to the world and its inhabitants.

Holy Books & Codes

The holy books and codes of Auriel's cult were revered and studied by its followers, who believed that they held the wisdom of the elder dragon of air herself. These texts were said to contain teachings and lessons on the ways of the wind, the skies, and the power of the air.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbols and sigils of Auriel were seen everywhere, from the crystal dome itself to the various altars and shrines that dotted the world of Tyria. Her followers saw these symbols as a reminder of her presence and a source of comfort and guidance.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith in Auriel's cult were centered around the belief that the elder dragon of air was the embodiment of grace, power, and beauty, and that her love for the world and its inhabitants was unwavering. The followers of Auriel believed that they had a responsibility to live their lives in accordance with these principles, and to always strive to embody her grace and power.


The holidays of Auriel's cult were many and varied, ranging from days of joyous celebration to days of humble contemplation. On these days, the followers of Auriel would gather to offer their thanks and to offer prayers to the elder dragon of air. It was a time for them to come together, to celebrate her love and to reaffirm their devotion to her.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The divine goals of Auriel were known to be the protection and preservation of the world of Tyria, as well as the guidance and care of its inhabitants. Her followers believed that she was always watching over them, and that her love for them was unconditional.
Divine Classification
The celestrial Plains
Cristaline, Sky Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Iridescent, Sky Blue with hints of silver

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