The Flame Bringers Organization in Chorius | World Anvil
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The Flame Bringers

This is a military group that wishes to claim settlements and expand its territory to stop the plagues.


The Flame bringer takes a settlement, they let it keep its autonomy but press its own agenda while helping the settlement with its own laws.

Public Agenda

They wish to burn the plagues out with fire.


They have the money and the manpower to control many settlements all over the world.


This faction was founded when the plagues hit

We will burn the plagues out of this world.

Founding Date
Military, Army
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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Feb 22, 2020 17:21

are there planes in Chorius? and if so, who would find them the most useful?

Feb 26, 2020 13:09

I think that the orchids would find the planes most useful, because then they could kill intruders with their bioweapons without getting near them themselves.

Feb 26, 2020 13:11

what does Ashitaka mean by "burn the plagues out with fire?" does he mean literal fire or does he just mean that they cure the plagues?

Feb 26, 2020 13:30

I talked to him offline on this and he said that he meant literal fire, this is probably because fire kills the plagues along with the host.