The Deep Hunters Organization in Chorius | World Anvil
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The Deep Hunters

The Deep hunters are one of the the main reasons the empire has any sort of hold in africa. The Deep Hunters are elite hunters that are hired by the empire to protect the colony mines in africa from things that the empire cant deal with. THe Deep Hunters look like humans but they are shorter and their bodies are malformed.


THe Hunters incorporate pieces of the creatures that they hunt into their masks and armor. The Deep Hunters will wear different suits depending on what their gender is and how they hunt creatures. The most common equipment for the men to wear is a suit of armor and a multi ended whip that has metal spikes on the whip that they will set on fire the whip itself is made of some kind of material from the depths of africa that cannot be burned. Women wiil have tough leather cloaks with gas weapons preffering to stay at distance they will also use rifles of extreme power that punch through bone with ease.
Military Order
Training Level
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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Jun 27, 2020 19:23

what's their equipment look like