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China-184 中原-184

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After the death of Han Emperor of He in the year of 105 A.D., Ancient China, the Han Dynasty went into depression and started to decline in a political and economic standpoint. Political posturing, infighting between the imperial relatives and the eunuch officials and the immaturity of the young Emperor brought down the Han Dynasty even closer to the end. When the dissatisfaction of the officials and the people reached a peak, in the year 184, Zhang Jiao, a tiefling from a realm of Kara-Tur, disguised himself as a human in this world, lead a movement against the government that was called the Yellow Turban Rebellion. While having the rebellion and war ongoing, what Zhang Jiao's main objective is to build the Gate of the Yellow Sky and bring in his master, Di-Jun from Kara-Tur to this realm for conquest. During the final battle against the Yellow Turbans, just after the Han gained the upper hand against the rebellion, the Gate of the Yellow Sky has been activated. The main objective changes from defeating Zhang Jiao to deactivating the Gate. Unfortunately, the technology during the Han Dynasty too low, before Di-Jun enters the realm, the Gate exploded. Along with the explosion, something abnormal happened. A strong wave of energy emanates from the gate , spreads around the realm of Ancient China, making all of the people fell asleep and changed their appearance when woke up. The world has not only humans, but the fantasy and legends such as elves and dragonborn exists in this realm from that day onwards. Historian records this event as "The Yellow Wave". Through this mess, the people of Han learns their given knowledge of sorcery while expanding their skills in sword. The new generation has begun, the war of unification has started. The land will never be separated forever, and it is up to you heroes or villain of the realm to determine the fate of this dying land. Welcome, this is the realm of China-184.   广义105年,自汉和帝的驾崩,东汉皇朝开始进入了衰弱的时期之中。宦官当朝,皇亲的官权抢夺和年轻的皇帝继承者,都造就了现今的景象。 东汉末年,民不聊生,当民愤已到了沸腾点时,广义184年,一位自称来自仙境“卡拉图”名为张角的提夫林,为了将他的主人,帝君带往此处,他掀起了当时最大的民愤起义:黄巾起义。带着起义的理由,张角的主要目标是将黄天门成功筑起并打开它。 在最终决战中,当汉军终于得到了优势的时候,黄天门已完成并成功被打开。汉军转换了目标,全力进攻黄天门。但这时,由于这时代的科技不发达,还未等到帝君成功穿越,黄天门突然爆炸自毁。 随着黄天门的自毁发生,一股力量波从黄天门为中心往中原的每一个角落散播。当天,中原的人们都倒下了。不知几个时辰之后,当人们从那诡异的睡梦苏醒时,这个天下就有了翻天覆地的改变:人类的世界不再只有人类,异世界或是故事里常提到的精灵和龙族成为了常见的物种并行走在街道上。所谓的法术也成为了现实,不再是街头艺人所变的戏法。历史学家称之为“黄天漪”。 经过此事件,人们开始慢慢接受身体上的变化,也开始学习了魔幻带出来的知识。新的时代已降临,合久必分,分久必合,现在是到你们决定这个天下的命运。欢迎来到中原-184。

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