The Ranks of Eastern Han 东汉朝官职 Rank/Title in China-184 中原-184 | World Anvil
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The Ranks of Eastern Han 东汉朝官职

The ranks of Eastern Han splits into two types of governments: the central government and the provincial governments. The central government consists of Three Lords, Nine Ministers and Eight Generals, each have their own ranks and responsibilities that they needed to attend while providing their advices directly to the Emperor of Han. Most of the central government official are mostly administrate in the Imperial Court and sometimes will need to travel around provinces to handle dire or emergency situations, especially the Generals that will be needed when there is large scale battle occurred that he/ she needed to calm. For the provincial governments, mostly know as the local officials that governs the a small scale of the land and makes smaller decisions compared to the central government. Their levels can be as big as governing a province until administering a small county. They have their own militias that protects the local people and each castle walls of that county or province from being occupied by bandits or ambitious parties.   东汉朝廷的官制分为两种:中央官制和地方官制。 中央官制的官员通常是在朝政上向皇上进谏并在宫廷里处理事务。中央官制有九卿三公,而且还有八位各司其职的将军。大多时间在宫廷里处理事物的中央官员,尤其是将军们还是得赶往州郡处理重要而且繁杂的事务,比如平叛和钦察。 地方官职会比较像是管辖小地方的官员,大多都是处理州郡县城的大小事务。在这个官职上的官员们都会有自己的一路军马以保护城中百姓不被盗贼和不法分子的骚扰。

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