Hǎifēng Settlement in Chikage | World Anvil
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Hǎifēng (Hi-feng)


Haifēng is a small village situated on the strait of Ju'Sang. Its a small fishing village that  for a long time has been part of the Kingdom of Lu'Bao. However, following the death of the last Sun Emperor the village has found itself under the occupation of Yumoa and its forces. The strait is a key position as it marks the only other way across the continent on foot.    It was founded some 7000 years ago as a trading post for the south road, being the last stop before the high streak path across the top of the hills, a harrowing salt marsh that has claimed the lives of many. The village is home to some 200 people from many walks of life and sees travelers frequently. So much so that there are more inns than actual other businesses, though in the recent years many of these inns have been repurposed into barracks to suit the  needs of the occupying forces.
  The village is looked after by the retired grandmaster Shi Tarun, a Kitsune warlord that fought in the 2nd Labyrinth crisis. When the armies of Yumoa marched upon his village, he was the one to challenge the Warlord Yumari to single combat.  Upon his victory over her, an agreement was made that the people of Haifeng would carry their lives on unhindered or opposed by the now occupying forces, and in return Shi Tarun would ensure the local populace accepted their new overlord.    

Local hotspots:


Burntrack House - A white washed stone guest house that sits atop the village next to 9th Gate Temple. The name comes from the fire that spread through the village some 150 years ago that blackened the track that leads to the house up the hills. It is run by a foreign elf family and boasts an impressive collection of ales and wines.   The Hollow Hole Inn - To the local populace of Haifeng, the Hollow Hole is their favored drinking spot. A homely building that looks no more than a traditional cottage, has built and expanded its basement into a thriving pub. It is not uncommon to see half the village down here after the work day. With music performed by traveling minstrels, and food cooked heartily across an open fire, this is the go to place for anyone looking to cure their hunger.   Shēnshui Ryokan - A far more traditional style Inn, Shenshui Ryokan was built when the village was founded as a place for the Lords many mistresses to unwind in luxury. While those days are far behind it, Shenshui prides itself as being the Inn for those traveling with a more refined pallet. Impressive rooms, warm baths and even a hot spring with water pumped from underground caves to the north, this Inn caters to any traveler with the coin to pay for its services. Now owned by Madame Chai'ran the Inn has seen a huge increase in the number of customers it sees since she took over.  


Han Blacksmiths Co. - A long standing blacksmiths that has served to make all manner of metal goods for nearly 3 centuries now. It is owned by Han Bannerborn. A dwarvern smithy who trained under the legendary smith of Yumoa Chie Joromortan. His wares are incredibly high quality, though travels should not expect him to be available, the occupying forces of Yumoa have kept Han deep in the throws of his forge for months now.   Viper's Wears - The one stop shop for travelers on the roads, the Human warrior named Viper opened this trading post when she was struck with a bad illness. She claims to always know what travelers really need and prides herself on a barter system for her store. While she will accept gold, she knows travelers and adventurers always tend to have items on them that can be more useful to someone else and runs a system of exchange.  But she always closes her store early, long before the sun has gone down.    The Bowt Haws - The store owned by a large goblin family, this is their office for a small wharf they hand built down the coast from the village on the sea. Did they tell anyone? No. How did they build it? Who knows. Did they get any form of permission to open? They dont know what that is. But if you need a boat or repairs done, this small family of goblins are surprisingly adept at just about anything nautical. Just dont ask them anything else.  


9th Gate Temple - Seat of religious fulfillment in Haifeng. Its a small temple staffed by a few clerics under Father Caserion. The temple was named for the once great arch gates built when the village was established by the Sun Emperor. A sign of holy ground in the older culture of the Radiant Ones.   Chanakal Mine - A quartz mine to the north sheltered by a small grotto. The mine is still in use but has seen steady decline over time as the use of quartz is slowly phased out in favor of other materials. There have also for a long time been stories of the mines being closed off due to 'disturbing findings' as they dug deeper. But Elder Shi Tarun has been quick to dismiss these as baseless rumours.   The Ocean Guide - A pillar of Granite, perfectly cylindrical that sticks out of the sea. How it formed no one is quite sure, but for some cults and subsects it has become a site of great religious importance, so much so that legends of cultic sacrifice and 'ghostly apparitions' appearing on misty nights circulate amongst the populace. Some even say the pillar calls to them, beckoning them to come and return to the ocean.


30% Human 30% Dwarf 20% Halfling 10% Elf 8% Gnome 2% Other races


Overlord is the Empire of Yumoa following occupation at the dawn of the war. Agreement made to allow the village to remain unhindered at the local level. No governor was sent and is instead Ruled by Elder Shi Tarun who makes decisions for the village as a whole.


The Village has no walls to speak of or physical defense, but the natural position of town makes it difficult to attack with a large organised force due to its marshlands, sand dunes and salt flats. The only stable road is narrow and would funnel attackers into the sight of the two guard towers built to overlook the road.    This strategy was employed by Shi Tarun when the army of Yumoa first approached, and used the threat of an exhaustive battle against him to his advantage.

Industry & Trade

The village relies heavily on travelers for its income and has been hit hard by the war because of it. Yumoa makes access to a lot of the continent difficult with its checkpoints and permits. Still it is keeping afloat due to the agreement Shi Tarun made that trade can still freely pass through Haifeng without being hindered by the war or Yumoa's levies.   Exports: Quartzite, fish, sea salt sand for construction, seaweed and small aquatic flora, crafted items


One Central Paved Road that runs through the town and continues on. Wooden, dirt and stone paths that branch off.   Buildings are a mix of stone and treated wood. Some older buildings are made with quartzite finishes and trims, though these show signs of weathering.


The village has no districts instead uses just street names to find locations or POIs as markers.


The village sits on a large wealth of fishing goods and quartzite from the mines. The elder Shi Taurn also possesses the twin blades Taiyō and Hoshi. Legendary weapons said to have been crafted by the master smith Gertz in the first Labyrinth crisis. These blades alone are worth more than the entire town.


Tourists are mainly travelers passing across the land.    The occupying armies of Yumoa see getting stationed here as a sort of vacation in itself due to the nature of the village.   Tourism of certain more wealth parties have come from further afield in recent years due to the Ryokan.


Stone and wooden buildings. More important buildings or larger structures have iron fittings or support pillars. Traditional style homes made with thin sheets of wood designed to slide.   Pagoda style buildings for many older hoses.


Sand dunes and steep cliff faces across the Strait, overlooks the ocean from atop. Access to water via underground wells. Has a few hot springs due to location.


Warm most of the year with hot summers.

Natural Resources

Quartz, sand, stone, fish, small game.

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