The Ragged Flagon inn Building / Landmark in Chetrimentum | World Anvil
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The Ragged Flagon inn

Skyrim (2011 developed by Bethesda Game Studies and Iron Galaxy
It's the thieves guild from Skyrim, you know the one:  
  • in a disused sewer (Check)
  • In debt and down on its luck (Check)
  • filled with fun and whacky characters (Check)
  • Purpose / Function

    This is the location the party ran into when escaping the slavers, Lee rents a room here. It serves the purpose of being a general hub for the players, a means of giving the players quests and opportunities.


    A stone walk away encircles a stangnat pool of mostly rain water; other the pool is a simple wooden floor which serves as the main seating area for the inn. Side passages and the old work, valve and storage rooms that lead off from this central space are now used by guild members as bed rooms and supply cupboards. One room is rented by the PC Lee, who operates a 'backstreet' doctors office through it.

    Sensory & Appearance

    The smell of old stone, stangenet water and spilled ale are the first thing one notices upon entering. Glancing around you see worn stone and rotting wood, a murky scum covered pool lies at your feet. Walking around, the stone feels smoothed under foot, the planks equally well used are almost sanded smooth in places too.


    There are few pickpockets, todgers and cat burglars always hanging around the guild, hoping for work or just wanting to kick back among their own kind without any of the new gang stuff all the other thieves guilds go for.

    Contents & Furnishings

    Simple wooden chairs are dotted around heavy oaken tables, against one wall is a stack of crates, along the back is a bar made from a beautiful piece of varnished mahogany, cut so the grain goes along the length of the bar, and at the end you can count the rings, showing this to have been an ancient tree as you lose count of them. Some straw has been spread around, partly to soften the sounds but also to make clean up easier. a few guttering torches hang over the bar, in pots around the room are the biolumiscent mushrooms favoured by the cities denizens for dim light


    you quickly ascertain that there are few valuables here anymore, maybe the bar would be worth something to the right kind of collector, and certainly more than a few historians would pay well for the stories the walls could tell, if historians got paid that is.


    A large dissused sewer, planked over to serve as a general seating area for the tavern.


    Once the last ditch hiding place of the first Guild master, then the centre of operations for the new guild, now, the last safe house in the city.
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization

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