Over growth Condition in Chetrimentum | World Anvil
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Over growth

What is Overgrowth?

A condition occurring during old age in Goblins; when the rate of bone growth slows as skin and muscle growth increases, resulting in the breaking of the spine.  

Our Research

As one may well know, the Goblinoid peoples of the Underdark are largely ageless. The only caveat to this, beside unexpected early death is Overgrowth. Our research, based on the observation of over 700 Goblins and Hobb-Goblins over a period of 15 years has discovered significant commonality in the occurrence of Over Growth. Focus groups identified social stigma against sufferers while also significant social respect for them. We would suggest an avenue for further research would be long term preventative measures as this study found a significant correlation between regular activity and stretching against suffering the condition later in life.

Transmission & Vectors

The condition has been conclusively proven as genetic in Marloms medical taxonomy of the Goblinoid peoples. Previous theories around magic absorption over a goblins lifetime and overeating of rich foods have been dismissed in the very same study.


The Cause of Over Growth is due to a difference in the speed at which skin and muscle grow compared to bone; it is this difference which makes the condition lethal.


Our study discovered 3 common symptoms: A tightness in the back, Persistant headaches and pain during movement after periods of inactivty. Late stage symptons include the arching in of the back, inability to look down and severe pain during activity.


Treatment was beyond the scope of this study, however Marloms taxonomy of the Goblinoid people suggests several treatments, which have been an area of extensive research.


Initially a Goblin will feel a slight tightness in their back and pain should they bend over or look down. As Over Growth occurs the patients back will naturally arch inward, with shoulders well back and neck looking up, this is the bodies way to extend the spine as much as possible. In the final stage the spine is stretched to its limit, causing sever pain and inhibiting activity, if left be then the spine will snap, killing the patient. The condition is 100% lethal in all cases.


It turns out the oldest advice is the best advice in this case, our study identified those that stretched out regularly and kept active would experience the condition significantly later than those who neglected to.

Cultural Reception

Focus Groups identified a stigma around sufferers, while also a great respect for their opinion. This can be summed up as, once a goblin reaches such an age that Over Growth occurs, they are well thought of and their knowledge coveted by others, while also those who do not suffer are put off by the reminder that they too will suffer the same debilitating condition. Interviews with sufferers revealed many have arranged for assisted suicide before the condition becomes unbearable, largely through medical means, however a class distinction was noted, nobility and those with military bacgrounds have agreed to be formerly 'executed' with full honours rather than succumb to the condition.

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