Crotch rot Condition in Chetrimentum | World Anvil
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Crotch rot

Recently the men of trade ships have been bringing back more than just exotic herbs and spices to the city of capital. Doctors are at a loss of how to treat it, although as it has largely only effected the underclasses around the docks few have taken notice

Transmission & Vectors

Sexual intercourse, or maybe just physical contact


The sailors talk of exotic savage women who would freely have sex with any and all, they attribute to these temptresses the origin of this condition


fungal infection eats holes through the genital region, leaving hardened tunnels behind in the skin


As yet un-treatable, although only the backstreet doctors who treat sailors and whores have tried


initially dark spots appear, as the disease progresses these eat into the flesh of the genitals and create hardened tunnels. the final stages are yet unknown as some sailors have cut off the infected area in desperation.

Affected Groups

Sailors, Prostitutes, the clients of dockside prostitutes

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