Leconis Military Organization in Change later | World Anvil
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Leconis Military

The Royal Armée is the  Royal army of the Kingdom being the only true professional army on the continent who are first and formost loyal to the king and the Royal family with the army being  Did used to fight heavily against the forces of The Confederacy and the dragon alliance However Even though they despise both They were instrumental in the final battles of the Imperial war With the famous old guard and the Royal dragoons Being famous for their Charge of alzimani hill  Nevertheless they are one of the best fighting forces the continent has ever seen And are fighting either constantly with the Confederacy and The dragon allince  Or against eager peasants wanting to try to make something of themselves by overthrowing the monarchy and most of the time failing   The Old Guard:  V elite baskets years of the Royal army these soldiers are hardened veterans who have been  One of the most prestigious and elite fighting forces and the Kingdom's history Being seen as for its actions during the Imperial And while it was not there to defend its homeland from the Empire when the Empire sacked it They did deliver devastating blows to the Imperial legion In the deserts of the Confederacy  Being Known for their greatest of talent Which is to be able to March towards the enemy Yelling their famous battle cry "vivla Leconis"   The Royal Dragoons:  an elieaite Calvary of unicorns  That have acted as one of the best shock calvarys the continent has ever seen Going toe to toe with the famous Satlian Knights in its skill  The actors both the honor guard to to the king as well as an elite Calvary force that charges the enemy with mere fearless intent

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