Xanktheel Species in Centurion | World Anvil
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Xanktheels are a sentient species that looks half Avi, half Drakonian but is not a mixed breed but its own.   They live in jungles and in forests where it‘s very warm, where they have their settlements built with the trees, leaves and bushes they can find. They tend to eat fruits the most but they can eat just about anything edible. They‘re friendly to everyone that doesn‘t seem to be a threat to them.

Basic Information


Xanktheels have a humanoid body, with feathers on their heads, their face, arms, back and legs, except on their snout, forearms, hands, pecs, abdomen and feet, which have golden looking scales instead. They have head and tailfeathers that usually have a different color than the rest.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Xanktheels are a one gender race with two production organs so no matter which partner they’d have, they can always plan on having hatchlings. Xanktheels lay eggs after their pregnancy phase.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow slowly, they don‘t even get to grow as tall as humans, but they do get taller than frogs and dwarves.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in jungles and warm forests for the most part. There are most fruits that other species can‘t eat but when they eat it, they can grow and expand to an enormous size, making them immune to predator attacks temporarily.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Xanktheels live from the food they can get in the jungle/forest, especially fruits no one else can eat except for them.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces look like that of an archeopteryx.

Average Intelligence

75-100 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their bodies have an immunity against all kinds of poisons and diseases and they can even eat fruits that others would die from eating them.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Bright and vibrant feather colors, round curves.

Gender Ideals

There are none, the Xanktheels treat each other equally as they have both binary organs.

Relationship Ideals

When they‘re in a relationship, they stay trusting, truthful and devoting to their sweetheart.

Average Technological Level

They‘re the only sentient folk that keep a timemachine which they built together with random parts they found outside and inside their home jungle. It‘s the only secret they keep hidden from non-xanktheels.

Common Dress Code

Xanktheel dress in anything they feel attractive and comfortable, otherwise they are mostly halfnaked.


Xanktheels were first found and discovered by their scaly cousins, the Drakonians while exploring the jungles many centuries ago.   Upon seeing them for the first time, they use their draconic language and gave them the nickname „Xanktheel“, which stands for Featherhead!

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Xanktheels find other races and species most interesting and are naturally curious. Others see them mostly as annoying and clingy, often considering them idiots as well.
100 years maximum
Conservation Status
Xanktheels aren‘t usually found around Centurion, in fact: They like it in jungles and would refuse to leave by force. Rangers and foresters make sure their homes are protected.
Average Height
Their average height is about 1,4m to 1,6m, but when eating the right food, they can grow much bigger for a limited time.
Average Weight
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their feathers come in any color!

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