Maron Bear Character in Centurion | World Anvil
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Maron Bear

Maron Bear

Owner of „Maron‘s Sea Shack“ in Saint Mortorf, pirate crew member of S.S. Cutlass and fiancé of Captain Xar Vee from the Cutthroat pirate crew.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She‘s a rather pale but an almost hourglass shaped bombshell.

Body Features

She has the biggest boobs from her sisters, her cupsize is C, almost reaching D.

Facial Features

She has a heartshaped head and her big eyes look mostly sad, even if she isn‘t sad. She‘s got thin lips but has a wide grin when she smiles.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a beauty spot underneath her left eye.

Physical quirks

She knows how to use her feminime body well and walks like a lady, poses like a lady, but she can swear like a sailor when provoked.

Apparel & Accessories

Maron is wearing skintight pants with long boots, a belt for her notebook, pen and money bag, a purple corsett, a short black leatherjacket, black fingerless gloves and earrings that look like tiny anchors.

Specialized Equipment

One-handed blades, brewing beverages, distracting enemies

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maron Bear grew up with her older sister Paula, her younger sister Tally and her young brothers Cole and Pender. The parents were mostly busy with their fulltime jobs to provide for their children. She was a street punk loitering in the alleys of Saint Mortorf before she was found by Tally 10 years later after the separation and was offered by her and Captain Naty to join the crew. Once she earned enough money, she wanted to turn her life around and became an owner and a bartender at her tavern named „Maron‘s Sea Shack“. That‘s also the place where she found her true love. She‘s now happily engaged to Captain Xar Vee.

Gender Identity

She‘s a cis gendered female.


She‘s bisexual


Pirate crew member and tavern owner

Failures & Embarrassments

Once she had a crush on a bard who was an alcoholic and worshipped demons and she was about to confess her feelings to him, until she found out he had a terribly foul breath that turned her off and ran away.

Mental Trauma

Maron witnessed as Paula attempted to commit suicide on top of a high building, falling. Although she didn‘t die but get possessed by a ghost, she would never forget that event.


Contacts & Relations

She‘s affiliated with Captain Naty‘s female pirate crew S.S. Cutlass and has good connections with Captain Xar Vee‘s pirate crew called the Cutthroats, since she‘s engaged to him.

Family Ties

Younger sister: Tally Bear (1988) Older sister: Paula Bear (1983) Youngest brother: Cole Alan Bear (1994) Brother: Pender Bear (1991) Father: Grisley Bear Mother: Brunhilda Bear (former last name: Brown)
Current Location
Year of Birth
1985 DeE 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
She‘s the second daughter and one of the many wanted children of the Bear family
Saint Mortorf
Current Residence
Maron‘s Sea Shack
Left eye is darkbrown, right eye is darkgreen
Long and darkbrow, tied up into a ponytail
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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