Inventor Profession in Centurion | World Anvil
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The inventor is a class that specifies in building, creating and crafting objects, weapons, contraptions, traps, etc. that get a patent, mostly from a member of the inventors guild.



Requirements: They must have studied and graduated in the field of crafting, physics chemistry, biology and maths!

Career Progression

Craftsperson -> Engineer -> Inventor

Payment & Reimbursement

Yes, for each patent they get revenue and monthly high amount of gold.

Other Benefits

Social cred, fame and recognition from the inventors guild and most of the provinces in Centurion.



Inventing objects that make the world a better or worse place, depending on the global views of other people and getting money for it to make more inventions.

Social Status

In the general public views they are seen revolutionary thinkers and geniuses that make a great step in science, technology and economy. But they are also seen as the enemy of the mages since they have to compete with them. What will win: Magic or technology?



Hammer, screwdriver, gears, bolts, nuts, everything you need to build and craft all kinds of things.


All kinds of metals, glass, oil, wood, fabric, everything is needed.


Workshops, laboratory, factory, inventors guild

Provided Services

All kinds of gadgets, gizmos, objects, contraptions, traps, tools, weapons, etc.

Dangers & Hazards

As new inventions have to be tested, inventors pledge to test them on themselves sometimes. When they go wrong, in most cases they die and least likely get mutated.
Alternative Names
Tinkers, geniuses
There are very few inventors in this world, so far only three inventors have been recorded: Two humans and one elf.
It‘s legal everywhere except for Arcane Universities that specify in magic.

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