Harpyie Species in Centurion | World Anvil
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Harpyies are one of the few sentient species that don‘t speak the common language and hide from civilization.   Slavers love to catch them when they see them and slave-traders buy and sell them for almost a half of a fortune. That‘s why they live in Zanfa Forest and on the Zanfa Mountains which are protected by elven rangers and inhabitants.

Basic Information


They‘re humanoids with big (usually brown) wings and feathers on their arms, legs and the bottom, making them appear like half-human, half-bird.

Biological Traits

The harpyies come in various sizes and heights, most of them are shorter than humans but taller than elves.

Genetics and Reproduction

Harpyies, even if half-human on the upper-body, lay eggs after the 4-5 months of pregnancy. After the babies hatch out of their eggs, they get breastfed by their mother.

Growth Rate & Stages

In their babyform they‘re featherless, almost looking like human babies except for the wings and talons that replace the hands and feet. Since their growth speed is twice as fast compared to humans, the harpyie hatchlings grow fluff where the feathers should be until age 3, then they develope feathers until age 6. With age 9 they‘re fully grown young adults.

Ecology and Habitats

Harpyies can live anywhere where they‘re being left alone and still have access to food and shelter. Currently most of them live in the Zanfa Forest and on the Zanfa Mountains. As well as other creatures and sentient species leave them alone, they live peacefully.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat anything griffons like to eat, with the addition of fruits and nuts.

Biological Cycle

Harpyie families collect as much food as they can and build their nests into a hollow ball of twigs and branches with a hole as the entrance and exit.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

This species is very well known among the slavers and slave-traders, since they make money with them as they‘re used as slaves.

Facial characteristics

Compared to humans, harpyies have big eyes and noses to amplify their senses. However they‘re bad at hearing since they don‘t have ears but earholes hidden under their headfeathers.

Average Intelligence

75-95 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With their big eyes they can detect enemies from far away and even if the eyes don‘t help detecting them, their big noses do the trick, especially in the darkness.
50 years
Conservation Status
Yes, the elven rangers and inhabitants of Zanfa Forest protect them by guarding the forest and their mountains.
Average Height
1,6m to 1,79m
Average Weight
30kg to 40kg
Average Length
With the tail included: About 1,5m
Average Physique
They come in various body shapes. Those who are overweight can‘t fly or fly with a limited tempo and height.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most harpyies come with brown, dark brown or black feathers. It‘s rarity to see them with differently colored feathers.

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