Blaze Character in Centurion | World Anvil
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Blaze One-Eye

Blaze is a young human thief and is a member of the thieves guild in Saint Mortorf.   Her trusting companion is a living and talking golden statuette who can change into a hawk, cat and a snake. Her father Flint One-Eye is the leader of the thieves guild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blaze is slender, agile and as fit as a fiddle!

Body Features

White skin, brown hair with a blonde highlight in the front.

Facial Features

Heart-shaped head, big eyes, normal sized nose, thin eyebrows.

Apparel & Accessories

Thief equipment: Mithrill chainmail, brown leather shirt that is long enough to be a dress, a pouchbelt, a sheathe for her shortsword, knee-long leatherboots, long leathergloves and a purple cloak stolen from a noble.

Specialized Equipment

A shortsword, smoke phials and grenades for escaping, cantrips, lockpicks and a dagger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blaze and her father Flint live together with her uncle Kenneth and her cousin Max in one apartment. Half of the family is a part of the thieves guild in Saint Mortorf.   When Blaze met her golden talking companion Goldex, she went on an expedition to the pyramids of the Golden Ruins in the Eastern Continent. In the beginning, she just wanted to save her father‘s guild by finding ancient treasures to pay back the assassin‘s guild to stop killing them. Goldex however changed her life and others for the better.


Blaze is heterosexual.


Elementary school and Public highschool of Saint Mortorf. After graduation, Blaze became a full member of her father‘s thieves guild, but only because she asked.


Blaze worked partially at the docks when she was still going to school. Her crush on a sailor made it impossible to keep working after graduation so she quit the part-time job to be fully invested in her father‘s thieves guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Blaze was successful stealing from the rich at all times. However her biggest accomplishment was becoming friends with an ancient talking and living golden statuette from the Golden Ruins named Goldex.

Failures & Embarrassments

Blaze once admitted her feelings for a sailor named Gary, who was not interested in a romantic relationship at the time.

Mental Trauma

Blaze still regrets to be born at times because she believes it was her fault her mother named Amber died after she gave birth to her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Humorous, perceptive, cunning and caring for her family and the poor.

Morality & Philosophy

Blaze believes that stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is a virtue.


Since she‘s a member of the thieves guild, Blaze shouldn‘t affiliate with other guilds and factions in fear they might strike back or betray. She however is still friends with an assassin, a blacksmith and a handful of mages.

Personality Characteristics


Blaze feels a desire to help her family in the thieves guild and the poor.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good at sneaking, pickpocketing and lockpicking, bad at flirting.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Her family, gold, jewelleries, expensive clothes, gems, warm bread, cats, birds, dragons, snakes, pirates and mages.   Dislikes: Nobles, royals, oppression, assassins, backstabbers, betrayal, rats, slavers, slave traders and slave owners.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick and nimble hands, light feet.

Vices & Personality flaws

Wanting to have a romantic partner, falling in love easily


Living in the slum quarters of Saint Mortorf, it‘s hard for Blaze to keep her home and herself clean mostly.


Contacts & Relations

The thieves guild, the ex-members of the assassins guild and the Arcane University in Saint Mortorf.

Family Ties

One-Eye family (her father Flint), Sea family (her uncle Kenneth, aunt Kylie and cousin Max)

Religious Views

She believes in the Lifemaker but she keeps her faith to herself most of the time.

Hobbies & Pets

Blaze loves animals. With Goldex being a golden animal companion, her partner is all she needs as a hobby next to carving and singing to herself.

Wealth & Financial state

Blaze has got enough money for her and her family to get by.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1985 DeE 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Blaze was a planned child, the first and the last one. Her mother died when she was just born.
Saint Mortorf
Current Residence
Saint Mortorf
Dark brown
Middle long hair reaching down her chin, with one blonde highlight in the right front.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
„Better done than said!“
Known Languages

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