Assassin Profession in Centurion | World Anvil
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An assassin is a stealth class that is specialized in killing a target silently and quickly. Like the sniper class, the assassin class is most efficient in the dark or in a hiding place but they prefer daggers and sneaking up behind their target instead of using a wide range weapon like a bow or a crossbow.



They have to be stealthy, quiet and light-footed.

Payment & Reimbursement

Yes, if a client is paying them for killing a requested target.



When someone wants somebody else dead and they can't do it themselves, then the assassin does the job if the price is right.

Social Status

It's not a lower "caste" occupation, it's a high risk job because once an assassin is caught on the job (eye witnesses), the assassin has to make sure that no word gets spread around, thus eliminating any witness(es). They're feared and hated by many.
Alternative Names
Dagger for hire
Social Services
It's usually a luxury, because assassins demand a high price for murder.

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