Sicarius Species in Centrelis | World Anvil
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It was a bloodbath. Surely, we should have won. There were almost a hundred of us, and only four of them. I guess six. We didn’t expect the women to fight. We caught them by surprise. I could see it on their faces when we rammed those ornate doors off the hinges. They scattered, and we had them on the run. We thought they were going to leave, just like we wanted. None of us wanted anyone to die. Just to chase those demons out of our land. Lord Asimov had killed four men before we realized the old man had returned. The dark orange flame of his blade cast shadows over his face. He grinned as he slaughtered the others. His sons were the next to arrive. Cornering us in the main hall. Other flaming blades cut down those who opened the doors to run for Lord Asimov. Large arrows rained down from above as Lady Asimov and their youngest daughter released quivers of arrows at us. Someone rallied us. Was it Jeffrey? We regrouped enough to rush the old lord, his white beard and hair stained red with blood. I even managed to stab him. I felt my pitchfork press into his thigh. A moment later, orange flames split it in half, taking my right arm with it. He didn’t bother to pull the pitchfork from his thigh until he had moved through another 5 of my friends. I watched in shock as the family of monsters killed everyone who had been brave enough to rally together. Everyone that was stupid enough to think we could overthrow the local lord. Just under twenty of us survived that night. I made it out easy, losing only one arm. Most lost multiple limbs or came back mad and terrified of fire. Our mangled bodies were enough punishment for our treason, and they served as constant reminders to the others. Reminders of what happens when men fight demons.

Basic Information


Sicari look like humans except their eyes are lizard-like similar to dragons. they are also much taller, averaging in height at about 8'. They tend to be more muscular and have darker hair.

Biological Traits

Men average to be about 6" taller then women. but they don't discriminate based on gender, however they do discriminate based on ability. Sicari people tend to have a pragmatic look at life and have a Natural Selection type attitude. however they are respectful of those who have proved themselves and honor the dead that have earned it.

Genetics and Reproduction

Same as Humans

Growth Rate & Stages

Grow and age at the same rate as humans but live to 150 years consistently but can reach ages of about 200 years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sicari are the ruling class of a country called Tenebris and defend the humans they rule over from mythological threats that are in the borders of their lands.

Facial characteristics

Dragonic eyes ranging in any color.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Southern Regions of civilized land

Average Intelligence

smarter then the avage human population but only because they tned to be upper class and teach their children from young ages.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sicari have the ability to use magic, but the current generation are unaware of this fact.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are based on the Dagonic Language which it taught to all Sicari Children. Names that evoke fear or power are used for men and names that evoke pride or beauty are used for women.

Major Organizations

Sicari Rule the kingdom of Tenebris from the capital city of Acerbus. there is a secret society of Sicari that wish to attack and rule the rival Kingdom of Inlustris. they are known as the ( cool name)

Beauty Ideals

Lean useful muscle is the Ideal for men. bulky muscles can get in the way of efficient movement in battle and Sicari prefer a balance between speed and power. Women are also expected to have physically fit bodies as well but no to the extent of men. Grace and Poise are expected for women.

Gender Ideals

Gender Roles are fluid in Sicari culture, but most tend to hold to tradition based on their "Natural Selection" mentality. Sicari Believe that women should be respected as Mothers and caregivers to the rising generation and entrust them with the teaching of their children. all children learn all things. both genders learn cooking cleaning fighting history and all others. Adolescence is when children then decide what they would like to specialize in.

Courtship Ideals

men are expected to impress those they are intending to court. courtship can begin simply by communication, but in order to purse a marriage men leave on a Journey to accomplish some task or retrieve some item for or in the name of their love and if their task is accepted then they are married.

Relationship Ideals

men are the protectors and the providers where as that women are the caregivers and teachers, but Sicari believe in having a unified front and both parties are expected to help one another in both positions when necessary.

Average Technological Level

Magical Swords that are sued to absorb the power of the first killed dragon. a tradition that started before they Sicari came to Tenebris, but other then that middle ages technology with some advance war machinery.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Sicari learn Dragonic as their first language, but they don't know the written form or characters so they also know common and use a modified common to write in Dragonic when necessary.

Common Dress Code

Practical clothing for working or most occasions, however during parties or other events Sicari are know to dress themselves to show station and impress.


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Sicari used to be people who were magically bonded with dragons through rituals preformed near the center of the world. a fallout between Sicari, Dragons, and Elves caused a massive war and the Sicari left the wilds and returned to the countries of humans.
not much is know about the Sicari before they appeared in Tenebris 1500 years ago. they are secretive about their history and most modern Sicari don't know where they came from before then. They became the ruling class of Tenebris by promising the humans there protection form mythological creatures and other horrors that roamed in the wilds of the world. they intermingled with humans and now most Sicari are less then half pure blood. however the main ruling families tout their pure bloodlines as a badge of honor. Sicari are colloquially known as "Slayers" because of how they came to power. each Sicari that comes of age must slay a dragon in order to become a Man (women were not refused this tradition if they desired, however men were required). in past years this would included venturing out into the wilds to complete the task but the dragons have been disappearing faster and faster and it has become almost impossible to find any.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sicari generally consider themselves above other Sentient Species but are respectful of their customs traditions and will sometimes interbreed with them.
Scientific Name
Humanoid Blessed with Dragonic Features
175 years
Average Height
7'8" - 8'6"
Average Weight
200lbs to 350lbs
Average Physique
Tall and Muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sicari tend to have tanned skin and appear slightly darker then most of the Humans found in Tenebris.
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