Fossilcraft in Cenorad | World Anvil
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We are able to face the challenges-to-be, for we wield the powers of that which came before us.   ~ Common Golotian proverb


  Also known as Tian-Tolug nagul Logogunla ("Revered Craft of Ancient Legacy") or Laurasian Artifice, the art of Fossilcraft creates powerful magical artifacts out of the fossiled remains of a long-dead creature, that still contain powerful residuals of arcane might. Those that are able to withstand the unleashed power of an artifact gain the ability to create and control one of five different supernatural Elements.   While the Craft is most often associated with the various Clans of the Golotian, given their prominent usage of it during the numerous conflicts that followed their sudden return to the surface of Cenorad, other species are nevertheless able to utilize it.  

Fossilized Might

  At the very core of the Fossilcraft stand the so-called "Chthonian Spirals", which are helical-shaped fossils that can be found all over Cenorad. While they might at first look like a regular fossil, they possess various supernatural properties that underline their magical nature.   The most prominent of these properties is the fact that it appears to be impossible to accurately weight a Spiral as each consecutive weighting displays a different value. Furthermore, any attempts at measuring the exact dimensions of the Spiral also lead to a conflicting result as the Spiral seems to continually change its overall shape, even though no changes in its appearance can be observed.   In addition to their distorted weight and dimensions, Chthonian Spirals are also known to emit an eerie sound that is faintly reminiscent of faint whispers and distorted singing. This so-called "Abyssal Melodie" is also the primary means through which most species -with the exception of the Golotian- locate a Chthonian Spiral as the melody can be heard through dozens of meters of solid rock.  

Elemental Infusion

  Before a Chthonian Spiral can be used in the creation of a functional artifact it first has to be activated through a so-called "Infusion", which is a complex and often highly ritualized process that permanently changes the normally undirected elemental alignment of the Spiral to one of the five known Chthonian Elements.   If successful this realignment will not only change the physical appearance of the Spiral but also nearly completely nullify the size and weight anomalies of the Spiral. Due to this, the exact timing of an Infusion is crucial in order to maximize the amount of activated Sprial gained during this process, as an expertly timed Infusion can increase the yield of activated Sprial-Mass by nearly 40%.  

Infusion of Stone

  In order to infuse a Chthonian Spiral with the power of stone, one has to carefully scrape a specific pattern into its surface by using a needle made from sufficiently hard rock. The exact form of this pattern is dependent on the current shape of the Spiral and therefore constantly changes, which pushes even skilled stonecutters to their absolute limit. Should the process be successful the Spiral will take on a greenish coloration before shattering into potentially hundreds of quadratic fragments that are commonly referred to as "Gravel Jade".  

Infusion of Water

  This type of Infusion is performed by spraying small droplets of water onto a Chthonian Spiral and then meticulous spreading over its surface through the usage of a fine brush. Similar to other forms of infusion this process requires a great deal of concentration and finesse in order to yield optimal results. In the case of a successful infusion, the Spiral will transform into a viscous, dark blue-colored liquid, known as "Tar Varnish".  

Infusion of Wind

  Wind Infusions are performed by blowing focused wind gusts at specific points alongside the edges of a Chthonian Spiral. While it is possible to perform this infusion without any additional tools, most Artisans use specialized tubes called Ogal Dugulo ("Storm Tube") whose tapered ends enable a far greater precision of the air stream, which greatly increases the chances for a successful infusion. In such a case the Chthonian Spiral frays out into a ball of multicolored threads, called "Tempest Fibers".  

Infusion of Flame

  Infusions of the Flame are performed by scorching the shifting corners of an unaligned Spiral with a luminous flame. The most common tools used for the creation of such a flame are Fatwood sticks and Mudcandles, though more exotic flame sources such as Glastorches or Saliva Lamps are also sometimes used. Regardless of what kind of flame source was used during the Infusion process, a successful realignment will transform the scorched Spiral into a grey-brownish, kneadable mass known as "Fire Clay".  

Infusion of Sparks

  In order to perform a Spark Infusion, a Chthonian Spiral has to be repeatedly touched with a statically charged object. The easiest method to obtain such a charged item consists of rubbing a piece of amber with a strip of fabric, tough other more complex methods also exist. Following the correct application of numerous charges to the Spiral, it will dissolve into thousands of magnetic splinters, commonly referred to as "Thunder Flour".  

Crafting an Artefact

  Following the successful infusion of a Chthonian Spiral, the activated Spiral-Mass can be used for the creation of an Agolu ("Artefact"). While it is possible to create an Artefact from the mass of a single Spiral, most Artifacts are created from the combined mass of multiple Spirals.   Similar to the Infusion process the exact ways in which an Artefact is created is dependant on the elemental alignment of the activated Spiral Mass and therefore quite notably differs between the five known types of Artifacts.  

Stonebound Artifact

  Stonebound Artifacts are created from numerous pieces of Gravel Jade, which are painstakingly pieced together in a manner quite similar to a jigsaw puzzle. Given that each piece of Gravel Jade has a slightly different coloration each finished Stonebound Artifact possesses its very own individual mosaic pattern.  

Waterbound Artifact

  Waterbound Artifacts are made by painting dozens of layers of Tar Varnish on top of each other. Dependent on the number and thickness of these layers the coloration of a finished Artifact can range from a light azure to an almost fully black tone.  

Windbound Artifact

  Windbound Artifacts are made from knotted threads of Tempest Fibers. Given the multicolored nature of these fibers, skilled artisans are able to create Windbound Artifacts whose beauty rivals even that of the most elaborate fashion items.  

Flamebound Artifact

  Flamebound Artifacts are thrown from Fire Clay in a manner quite similar to the creation of pottery from mundane clay. Unlike normal clay Fire Clay doesn't have to be heated in order to solidify and furthermore forms its own unique coloration without the addition of paints or glazes.  

Chargebound Artifact

  Chargebound Artifacts are made by exposing small amounts of Thunder Flour to a sufficiently strong magnetic field and then braiding the sprouting branch-like structures together. While these Chargebound Artifacts might appear metallic in nature, they generally behave similarly bast fibers and pieces of wickerwork.  

The Chthonian Elements

  Also known as the Pentagramic Elements or the Sacred Elements of the Chthonian Heritage, the Chthonian Elements are a group of mythical materials that can be controlled by the wielder of a Laurasian Artifact. While they are often regarded as naturally occurring elements and phenomenons, they are in fact synthetic elements created out of natural elements, through a process called "Liberation" or "Deliverance".   Because of this, Artifact users have to be mindful of their environment in order to avoid the risk of running out of elemental matter, though given that the natural elements required for the Liberation process are usually widely available, this risk is generally fairly low. Additionally experienced wielders of a sufficiently powerful Artifact are furthermore able to store considerable amounts of elemental matter within their artifact and therefore are able to utilize their powers even in environments that lack their natural elements.  


  Moimor is a highly polished, marbled rock that is liberated from mundane stones through a Stonebound Artifact. While it is commonly mistaken as regular marble due to its similar appearance, it is far harder and also highly resistant against acids.  


  Diteria is an aromatic, multicolored fluid that is liberated from liquid water via a Waterbound Artifact. Due to its odoriferous smell and the fact that it forms small globules when mixed with water it is commonly referred to as "Pearl Tea".  


  Helurium is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is liberated from the ambient air by a Windbound Artifact. The most notable property of Helurium is its ability to temporarily increase the timbre of one's voice if inhaled, due to which it is commonly referred to as "Squeaky Air".  


  Iginium is a blue-pink colored flame that burns without the need for air or substance. It is liberated from regular fire and other sources of heat through a Flamebound Artifact and burns substantial hotter than most forms of natural occurring flames.  


  Cylgur is liberated from electro-magnetic fields by a Chargebound Artifact and possesses a rather exotic appearance that can best be described as "Lightning Frost". Despite its similarity to natural lightning Cylgur not only transfers no heat upon impact but instead deprives its surroundings of any form of warmth.  

Borrowed Power

You may wield the power of the Martyred Goddess, but you neither possess her mind nor her body.   ~ Warning given to apprentice Artifact users
  While the maximal power of an Artifact is determined by the amount of activated Spiral Mass used in its creation, the portion of this power that can be utilized by an individual wielder is instead defined by his or her "Elemental Compatibility", which is itself based upon an innate predisposition for a specific Chthonian Element as well as the skills of the Artisan which created the Artifact in question.   Additionally, the compatibility of an individual also limits the amount of power a person can draw from an Artifact before experiencing a number of side effects known at large as "Elemental Backlashes". The severity of these Backlashes and can range from minor injuries such as burns or cuts to major elemental-based trauma such as the petrifaction or liquefication of entire limbs.   The most severe form of an Elemental Backlash is known as a Chthonian Collapse and results in the complete destruction of the wielder's body as well as anything within a few dozen meters of him.

Of Wielders and Artisans

  While the Golotian refer to those that either craft or wield Laurasian Artefacts simply as Agralgu Logogunla ("Craftsmen of Legacy") other species and factions commonly give separate names these two groups in order to better distinguish them.   Due to this, individuals that specialize in the creation of Artifacts are also commonly known as Elemental Artisans, Chthonian Craftsmen or Spiral Smiths, whereas individuals that primarily utilize these Artifacts are instead referred to as Artifact Wielder, Chthonian Crusaders or Pentagramic Warriors.  

Chthonian Scions

  Chthonian Scions are rare and powerful individuals that are able to control one of the Five Elements without utilizing an Artifact. Furthermore, they are also able to utilize all but the most powerful Artifacts to their fullest potential, which enables them to unleash truly cataclysmic amounts of elemental might.   Yet despite their impressive command over a Chthonian Element, they are not completely immune against its Backlashes, which due to the sheer scale of their power quickly results in fatal consequences.  

On the Origin of Fossils

  According to the belief of the Golotian the Chthonian Spirals are the fossilized remains of the Martyred Goddess, which sacrificed herself in order to protect the world from the Triumvirate of Chaos.   Given that the Golotian are some of the most proficient and experienced users of Laurasian Artifice, many Non-Golotian that utilize this art either directly adopted this belief or equated the Goddess with a deity of their own religion.   Other theories propose the idea that the Spirals formed naturally deep beneath the earth before being transported to the surface through volcanic activity, earthquakes or other more supernatural means.  

Classes of Artifacts

  Artifacts are traditionally categorized into five different classes based on their weight. While not always an accurate indication of an artifact's true power, as this is greatly influenced by the skill and experience of its wielder, the classification system has remained in use due to its simplicity and practicality.   Due to that each type of activated Spiral Mass possesses a different density, the class of an Artifact is usually mentioned together with is type, given that the weight of a light Stonebound Artefact more closely resembles those of a heavy Windbound Artifact.  

Light Artifacts

  The weakest and smallest class of Artifacts, Light Artifacts are primarily utilized for civilian and ceremonial purposes, as they are generally considered to be unsuitable for most kinds of military applications.   While Artifacts that are lighter than 2 kg -so-called ultralight Artifacts- due exist, they are nearly as rare as the heaviest classes of Artifacts, given that their lowly amount of power barely justifies the amount of effort required to produce them.  

Medium Artifacts

  Medium Artifacts are the most common class of Artifacts, as they offer considerable power for a reasonable amount of effort and resources. Furthermore, they require a comparable low Elemental Compatibility in order to utilize to their fullest potential, which enables experienced users to wield their artifact for extended periods of time without suffering a single Blacklash.   Due to this, they are rather effective in combat -when used in sufficiently large numbers- as they are often able to simply outlast a more powerful Artifact.  

Heavy Artifacts

  Substantially heavier and more powerful than Medium Artifacts, Heavy Artifacts require a considerable investment of time, resources and manpower in order to be created. Due to this, they are an uncommon sight within most factions, with the Clans of the Golotian being the notable exception.   As they enable their wielders to control large amounts of Elemental Mass they are highly flexible both in and outside of combat, as their potential applications are generally only limited by the Capacity of their users instead of their inert power limitations.  

Assault Artifacts

  Generally considered the heaviest and most powerful class of Artifacts, Assaults Artifacts requires such enormous amounts of activated Spiral-Mass that even the Golotian are only able to produce a handful of these artifacts, though given the elemental might of these Artifacts their sparsity might perhaps be for the better.   Similar to Heavy Artifacts very few individuals are able to utilize the full power of an Assault Artifact for any amounts of time without suffering a severe Blacklash, which forces their wielder to strategically conserve their powers in order to prevent themselves from quite literally burning out.  

Superheavy Artifacts

  Superheavy Artifacts are widely considered as little more than myths, given the astronomical amounts of Spiral Mass required for their creation. Additionally very few individuals -including Chthonian Scions- possess the Elemental Compatability required to even remotely utilize the cataclysmic power of such an Artifact, which severely limits their possible applications.   Due to these factors, the creation of a Superheavy Artifact is in most cases a far less useful usage of activated Spiral Mass than the production of numerous lighter artifacts.  

Traditional Forms

  While Artifact can theoretically be formed into any shape an Artisan desires each of the five types of Artifacts is traditionally associated with a specific shape called the Galganu Lugolon ("Proper Shape") or "Common Form".  
  • Tessera Scepter (Stonebound)
  • Flood Plate (Waterbound)
  • Storm Scarf (Windbound)
  • Brightfire Lantern (Flamebound)
  • Blizzard Basket (Chargebound)

Elemental Relics

  Relics are mundane objects which have been infused with the power of a Chthonian Element by a corresponding Artifact, which grants them the ability to store and control a fixed amount of elemental mass.   Due to the fact that Relics are unable to perform a Liberation, this so-called "Relicbound Mass" decreases with each subsequent usage of the Relic, until the Relic has to be refiled by its parent Artifact.

Cover image: by Makro_Wayland


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