magnes Material in Cencerus | World Anvil
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Magnes is any metal imbued with magnetic properties. Iron is the most common material used to create magnes, though alloys of iron can also be used, as can nickel. Magnes can come in different levels of quality, with higher levels having stronger effects. Additionally, there are two broad categories of magnes: magnes infirmi and magnes verus. They can both be made at any quality. Magnes infirmi is cheaper to produce, but is likely to revert back to normal metal over time, as its quality slowly degrades. Rough handling can exacerbate this. Magnes verus, on the other hand, is slightly more expensive, but has a minor enchantment to preserve its magnetic qualities.


Material Characteristics

Magnes has the appearance of whatever metal or alloy it was created from. It can be difficult to distinguish small samples from regular metal, especially if it's low-quality magnes

Physical & Chemical Properties

Depending on the quality of magnes, its weight is actually lower than an equivalent amount of regular iron. Low-quality magnes will only be slightly lighter, about 9/10th the expected weight, while high-quality magnes can be 1/5th the expected weight. It still behaves as if it were the same weight in all other respects - a badly weighted sword is just as unwieldy whether it is made out of magnes steel or regular steel. It's merely less of a burden to carry   Magnes, being magnetic, naturally attracts or repels other pieces of magnes depending on orientation.

History & Usage

Everyday use

The tendency of magnes to stick to other pieces of iron makes it unsuitable for any but the simplest common items. Magnesware plates and bowls are popular among traders and travelers. Many tools are either too small for the weight decrease to be significant, or else the decrease in weight is actually detrimental to the tool's function (such as hammers and axes). Magnes weapons become more unwieldy when turned against foes wearing metal armor, and any smith will laugh in your face if you suggest making magnes armor.

Industrial Use

While magnes has sparse common uses, it is invaluable as a structural element in many architectural and engineering endeavors. High-quality magnes verus is essential to constructing sturdy warships, and improves the carrying capacity of merchant and transportation vessels.   Care must be taken when crafting magnes structural components, however, to ensure all components have their poles facing the same direction

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