Osse-Lotte Character in Celle | World Anvil
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The Pure of Heart

Osse-Lotte is a lesser known god, with few temples and priests. Osse-Lotte watches over the naive and the pure of heart, those untouched by the cares and vices of the world, or by cruelties of others. Those blessed by Osse-Lotte live long, carefree childhoods, sheltered from troubles, and nuture a sense of wonder for the world, from tiny insects to vast open plains. Osse-Lotte protects those he can, causing a cart to break, distracting unsavoury hoodlums waiting in an alley, so that a small girl can walk home safe at night, or giving a young man food poisoning so that he misses a voyage that would leave him captured by pirates. Osse-Lotte's way is that of small nudges to guide those he can.   Clerics of Osse-Lotte are rare, the god is rarely heard of, and has limited power. Occasionally however, Osse-Lotte imbues his power into a single individual, so that they might go forth and do great deeds, not for the glory of Osse-Lotte, but for the deeds themselves.

Divine Domains

Life, Protection, Joy, Childhood, Good Fortune

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white Lily, a drop of dew, a freshly baked loaf of bread
Divine Classification
Younger God

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