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The continent of Ceasterwhole is a thriving place full of different civilizations, where magic and science coexist in a variety of ways. In countries like Ordum, alchemy and steam-based technology have given birth to steampunk-like societies, where science enhances magic and enlightenment is the main philosophy. Countries like Hosternan, however, live in a more fantastic feudal society, where religion is very powerful and magic is the main way of scientific thought. Technology in these is primarily medieval, and the Friars at the monasteries have absolute control over culture and history, as a means to preserve the apparent righteousness of the feudal lords over their subject. Finally, in countries like Guthrannia, technology is sovereign, and magic users are frowned upon. Science is the only way to live, and plutocracies tend to thrive in strong economies based on technological innovations and cutting-edge commodities. Geographically, Ceasterwhole is diverse, from the big mountains spread throughout the Northern regions, to the vast plains in the South and the deserts to the East. Nature is the main fuel for magical studies, and academies on the matter tend to be located in secluded wildlands, away from the thriving cities. The rural countryside, however, is quite uniform, and differences among countries and governments are much less apparent in rural villages, as most politics are urban-centric. The only exception appears in feudal states, where villages are connected to the overal political life of the reign through their overlords. However, even in this case, villagers' role is merely to pay tribute to their lord and, eventually, appoint a mayor to translate their concerns to him. While many of the countries are male-centric, the strongest economies and cultures thrive in the most egalitarian and technologically-advanced countries, while feudal reigns such as Hosternan tend to be mocked by their neighbours or simply ignored in international politics. Relations among countries, however, tend to be peaceful, and big wars are scarce, with most of the conflict being reduced to fights among cities or villages that last for a few weeks before being quickly dismantled by the ruler of the country or countries involved.

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