Sundur Coast Geographic Location in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Sundur Coast

The Sundur Coast is an area of coastal land stretching from the Parraphthes River in the North-East to the slopes of Mount Magth in the South-West. It was long part of the Taorminite empire, until the Breaking of the Pact.   The Sundur Coast is heavily settled, with several large cities and numerous towns, villages, estates and hamlets. The countryside is mostly agricultural, producing grain, fruit, wine and other crops, and areas further inland are used for grazing. The area is well known for its horses.   The southern part of the Sundur Coast is culturally more similar to the Taorminites and is populated by Taorminites and Tzaphiri (southern Sundur Coast) humans, while the northern part is culturally Erechine, the ancient and long destroyed empire which previously controlled the region. Taorminite culture is generally regarded as more sensible, businesslike and conservative, while Erechines (northern Sundur Coast) are generally regarded as more flamboyant, creative and talkative.  A short distance across Lake Gyon is the Gyarhame, inhabited by the more barbarous Gyarhamers.   Under the terms of the agreement reached during the Breaking of the Pact, each of the cities forms an independent city-state in its own right and are forbidden from carrying out wars, forming leagues or making alliances without the explicit permission of the Eliomandrine empire. This limits (but does not prevent) major regional conflict.   The major enemy of the Sundur Coast is the city of Mabag Pachamel Grith, which controls trade in the Emel Sea from the West and South.   Major settlements:

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