Races in Casiphon and the Sundur Coast - a guide in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Races in Casiphon and the Sundur Coast - a guide

Relative rarity of races in the Sundur Coast:  
Race Rarity
Humans (all types) Very common (over 50% of people)
Halflings Common (about 20% of people)
Elves Uncommon (5-6% of people)
Dwarves Fairly uncommon (10% of people)
Half-elves Uncommon (3-4% of people)
Half-orcs Uncommon (3-4% of people)
Gnomes Uncommon (3-4% of people)
Dragonborn Rare (<1% of people)
Minotaur Very rare (may see a few in a lifetime)
Goliath Very rare (may see a few in a lifetime)
Tiefling/Feral Tiefling Rare (<1% of people)
Tabaxi Extremely rare (probably wouldn't see two in a lifetime)
Lizardfolk Rare (<1% of people)
  There exist other races, who disappeared from the face of Casiphon and have only now begun to re-emerge in the Perluxion, when magic returns to the world, divine beings can influence mortal affairs and the other planes fall in alignment with the material plane. They are exceptionally rare, and very few mortals would even have heard of their existance. These races are the aasimar, centaurs, firbolg, genasi, gith, Kalashtar, shifterkin and warforged. When playing one of these races, you character will be an outsider from another dimension (centaur, gith), a survivor from a previous age who has woken after a long stasis (firbolg, warforged) or a half-magical being (aasimar, genasi, Kalashtar, shaperkin). You may have little knowledge of the current state of the world and its people, and will more than likely be viewed as a freakish and abnormal being.     A summary of rules for non-standard races can be found here.   Humans: Humans can be found across the length and breadth of Casiphon as the rulers of civilised nations (Taorminites, Gyarites, Erechines, Coastal Rythi, the Eliomandrine Empire (Eholomithrin Athar)), citizens in other civilised nations (The Three Cathaya), the lower-class elements of civilised nations (Mabag Pachamel Grith, Aranbar), free settlers or immigrants in dwarven holds or elven realms, nomadic tribes (Inland Rythi, Thoulians) or barbarous tribes (from Perakhuoshi barbarians(human) or Gyarhamers).   Humans come in all outlooks and temperaments, though they are most often resourceful and quick learners, whose cultures have heavily borrowed from other races.   Human religions most often follow the elven or dwarven pantheons to a greater or lesser degree, though the nomadic or barbarous human tribes often deviate from this.   Halflings: Halflings are very common and live extensively both in settlements alongside human settlements or as families in human settlements. Their culture is flexible and they usually take on the customs and mores of their neighbours, including religious traditions. They are most often found in the areas of the Sundur Coast and Taorminite empires. Halflings appreciate the stability of dwarven societies, though they chafe under the strict dwarven rules. Halflings are most at home in elven realms, though they rarely travel far enough abroad to settle there.   Elves: Elves have well-established realms throughout Casiphon (especially the southern region of Priochtheira), and the vast majority of elves reside in them, following their ancient traditions and living in close harmony with their natural environment. Many elves have found themselves settling down in human lands, and even realm elves will travel extensively during their lives. Elves outside of their realms avoid living in cities, towns and farmland, settling in more natural settings and re-creating a version of their homelands in lovely groves and gardens.   Outside of elven realms, large numbers of elves are located in Ryth, the location of a destroyed elven realm, Zmyrnaleia.   Half-elves: Half-elves are the natural result of close contact between elven and human civilisation. Half-elves are most commonly found where elves have settled for a time among humans, though many half-elves either desire to dwell among their full-blooded cousins or become wanderers and often seek to visit the realms of their ancient ancestors. Their elven relatives, however, are not always as welcoming to these outsiders as the half-elves would want.   Half-elves are located in large numbers commonly around the southern Sundur Coast, Lochenhale and Chorrea and many areas of Ryth.   Dwarves: Dwarves mostly live in their ancient holds throughout Casiphon (especially the southern region of Priochtheira), though after their annexation into the Taorminite empire, dwarves have often travelled and settled abroad during army campaigns or trade. Once the famously tight-knit dwarven families settle down, they tend to stay for generations or eventually return as a group to their dwarven home of origin.   Dwarves outside of their holds are most commonly found in central Taorminite territories or the southern Sundur Coast region, though small dwarven communities spread wherever the Taorminite empire did.   Gnomes: Gnomes are not typically found in Casiphon, being most native to the Three Cathaya to the South of the continent. Gnomish communities who have travelled to and settled in Casiphon generally reside in the major trading cities, where they work as bankers, educators, artisans and mechanists. A large community of gnomes is located in the dwarven hold of Volerum in Mettye, where their mechanical and alchemical expertise has helped advance the technology of that settlement to previously unheard-of levels. The largest number live together with elves on the island of Aneriath.   Dragonborn: Dragonborn are not typically found in central Casiphon, being native to Aranbar or the Three Cathaya across the Ischindar Sea. Many individual dragonborn have travelled as merchants or mercenaries to the Emel Sea region, being particularly well-regarded as loyal bodyguards or mercenaries, and occasionally as experts in areas of lore. Significant communities of dragonborn are found in Mabag Pachamel Grith, Niwhaven or the High City of Prest.   Tieflingsand Feral Tieflings: The vast majority of tieflings reside as the ruling overclass of the city of Mabag Pachamel Grith, where they are well-educated, sophisticated and well-off. They often travel as merchants, officials or mercenaries to the areas under Grithi control, such as Ryth, Eyl-Thoul or northern Mettye. Those who travel to the western areas of the Emel Sea are regarded with hostility because of the long-standing Taorminite prejudices against tieflings, and rarely settle there.   Tieflings are sometimes born from two human parents in all societies, and these offspring are regarded with considerable hostility, often driven from their homes and families to live in whatever way they are able. These 'feral' tieflings find their way to the criminal elements and underclasses of human cities, sometimes seeking to escape to their Grithi cousins, sometimes more selfishly seeking power and enrichment.   Half-orcs: Half-orcs are found in significant numbers among the orcish tribes of the Perakhuosh Wasteland or among the barbarous human tribes of the same region. Many have been employed as shock troops by the Taorminite empire and later settled in garrisons across the empire, where they are generally regarded with suspicion, with few ever advancing to positions of importance. Others continued their careers as muscle-for-hire and found themselves in the employ of the wealthy and powerful, travelling wherever merchant ships go.   Minotaurs: Minotaurs are among the most romanticised and storied races that live in the Perakhuosh Wasteland. A few, generally those who were expelled from their tribes or who wanted to travel the world, found themselves in human settlements where they were viewed with a mixture of wonderment and fear.   Goliaths: Goliaths are the half-giant who originally inhabited the mountains around the pass of Gol between the Khaifau and Bazaphde mountains near the Erul Steppe. Both the Eliomandrine and Taorminite empires hunted the Goliaths almost to extinction, but a few tribes still rule over the barren and frigid peaks or wander the frozen wastes north of the Belphiath, hunting the huge sabercats, mammoths, scarath-drakes and other dangerous beasts in those regions.   Tabaxi: Tabaxi are cat-people who originate in the Archipelagos of the Dawn, who occasionally visit the continent of Casiphon on a mission of curiosity, to find out more about the other races and civilisations that exist in the world. Tabaxi board trading ships returning to Casiphon, disembarking at the major trading cities of Aranbar, Ryth, Mettye or the Sundur Coast.   Lizardfolk: Lizardfolk are a reptilian people who originate in the swampy depths of the Jungles of Juol and the islands of Gyarhame. They are sometimes hired as guides, sailors or auxiliary troops, but more often stay to their wild homes and trade their handicrafts at small trading posts along the beaches of their home territories.   Aasimar: Aasimar are human-like beings with divine heritage, who believe they have been sent to Casiphon by the power of the saviour-titans to protect and restore it. They are born to human parents during the Perluxion phase of the cycle, when magic is restored to Casiphon and divine beings can once again influence the world.   Centaur: Centaurs are half-human, half-horse fey beings, who disappeared from Casiphon but survived in the Feywild and Shadowfell. When the Perluxion came and magic was restored to Casiphon, the Fey and Material Planes have come into alignment, allowing a few fey creatures to emerge onto the world of Casiphon.   Firbolg: Firbolg are beings skilled in and partially created by druidic magic, who seek to restore the natural harmony of the world. It is said that when magic left Casiphon, the Firbolg were absorbed into the most ancient trees and slumbered in deep hibernation for a thousand years, and only now small groups have begun to emerge from the few ancient trees which survived in the deepest and most distant forests.   Genasi: Genasi are part-elemental humanoid beings, who have inherited one of the four types of elemental power from an accident of birth or from the coupling of an elemental being (known as a genie) and a human. These circumstances only arise very rarely, and only when the world of Casiphon is connected with the elemental plains during the Perluxion phase. The appearance and temperament of the Genasi tend to follow their elemental origin (Air, Earth, Fire or Water), though their personal culture reflects the humans among whom they lived.   Gith: The Gith were an ancient race from a forgotten age, who were first oppressed by monstrous beings called 'mind flayers', and then almost wiped out in internecine civil war between their two subraces, the Githyanki and the Githzerai, which destroyed their advanced magical civilisation. The remainder escaped the Material plane for other, more distant planes, and were cut off from the world of Casiphon when magic disappeared. The interplanar turbulence caused by the return of the Perluxion phase has transported a few scattered individuals to Casiphon, where they face a strange new world, completely different from the one their ancestors inhabited long ago.   Kalashtar: There exist in the ethereal plane mysterious spirit-like beings of pure impulse and thought, made of the same stuff that gives rise to rare and special dreams which become reality for those who experience them. These beings have absorbed the experiences of mortal dreamers over years, gaining thought and form from the ideas of those who interact with them in their dream reality. Occasionally, a sleeping human child will bond with the dream-spirit, drawing it into itself and becoming something more than human - a precocious hybrid who has a personality part made of flights of fancy and part made of childish naivety and curiosity. Though they appear physically normal, their mode of interaction with the world is both highly perceptive of others and noticeably detached from everyday norms.   Shifterkin: Shifterkin communities occasionally arise in distant places, the descendants of those touched with a lycanthropic curse which has become both mild and beneficial. Shifterkin nevertheless fear the misunderstanding of other civilised races and most usually shun them for the company of their own kind. These communities either form distant collectives who interact with other societies only to buy or barter, hiding their true identity, or travelling bands who act as tinkers or circus-folk, revealing their powers only during carefully managed shows. Renegade shifterkin, especially those exiled from their communities, are less cautious, exploiting their abilities for personal gain.   Warforged: The advanced civilisations of the Third Cycle made many arcane creations, including semi-living, sentient constructs to act as warriors and guards. Warforged are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of steel. Armored plates form a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Some warforged were sealed in stasis chambers or sealed in archives and survived the Great Sundering intact, emerging very occasionally when their arcane preservation failed.

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