Nacona Settlement in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Nacona is famed as being the most insular and unfriendly of all the dwarven holds, even after their conquest by the Taorminites.  They heavily tax outsiders travelling into their territory on the Taorminite highway and refuse most outsiders access to most of their cities.  Naconite dwarves are exceptionally traditional, shunning most technological innovations and forbidding the teaching of foreign religions, technologies or philosophies.  They also have one of the most restrictive caste systems of all dwarves.   Naconite dwarves are exceptionally pious, and their temples are said to be the most elaborate and richly decorated of all in Casiphon, built up over generations of constant effort and expense.  Their warriors fight with unmatched coordination and skill, being trained in a traditional system of education known as the cargara from early childhood.

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