Mount Schwere Geographic Location in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Mount Schwere

Mount Schwere is an extinct volcanic mountain with a double peak in eastern Mettye. Its slopes are lined with thick jungle, though there are numerous black stone cliffs along its sides.  Its peaks are snow-bound all year round, and in the wet season on Mettye there is an almost continual blizzard at the peak. It has only rarely been climbed.   Natural Wonder: the Rainbow Spray   There is a broad plateau between the two peaks of Mount Schwere, which terminates to the south in a sheer cliff of some seven hundred feet.  The melting snow from the mountaintops pours over the cliff and turns to spray, which when viewed in the evening from the south-eastern slope forms an enormous, bright series of rainbows.   There are several large caverns on the mountain, which have been used as dragon lairs in the periods when the semi-magical dragons emerge. Two of these lairs contained enormous hordes of stolen wealth left over from the Breaking of Nations, as well as the immense skeletons of their previous inhabitants. This money was discovered and taken by the human ruler of Mabag Pachamel, Thachin Dolth, early on in the Seventh Cycle, and used to greatly enhance that city's power and influence.

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