Cothon Carinbalq Settlement in Casiphon | World Anvil
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Cothon Carinbalq

Cothon Carinbalq is a major holy city in the eastern Erul Steppe, said to be the place where Mithi and Aerul finally settled after fleeing from the Taorminite empire and wandering the Erul Steppe. It was in this location that the pair devised and carried out the ritual of apotheosis which elevated them to demigod status, and in this place that the constant worship needed to maintain their godhood is conducted.   The sacred inner city is built on a high plateau, while a number of smaller mundane suburbs are built on the lower slopes.  The city has a smaller permanent population with a larger population of worshippers who arrive from the steppe.  The city has become a capital for the mainly nomadic Erul of the Eliomandrine empire and the other peoples of the region who have been subjugated. Each month of the year, a tribe travels en masse to the city to worship and receive the directives of Mithaeril from the high priests, the Carin-Khahen.   Modern Wonder: The Porcelain Temple The centre of the inner city is dominated by a sprawling temple complex, built in the shape of the Mithaerilist Barred Circle (the Peroz-Mitra - below).  The eternal fire is located at the central point of the spine, while sculptures around the outer walls of the circle depict the canonical story of Mithi and Aerul's life, exile from Taormun, unification of the Erul people, and their apotheosis.     The circular section is nine hundred feet in diameter.  The only access to the two inner courts, where the physical forms of the two parts of the demigods are enshrined, is through two long corridors leading from each end of the spine.
Peroz Mitra.png

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