Aranbari Ethnicity in Casiphon | World Anvil
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The Aranbari are the descendants of humans from the Archipelagos of the Dawn, located in the Eosphorian Ocean, and Thoulian or Mettyan humans who migrated there over the sea.  The human population has long been subjugated by the indigenous Dragonborn, and are sometimes used as sacrifices to their Draconic deities.   Few Aranbari are able to flee from the oppression of the Dragonborn and escape their homeland.  Those who do are regarded as exotic and sorcerous, the archetypical evil wizards of many fables.  The escaped Aranbari are, however, often as cynical of so-called civilised governments as they are fiercely committed to the cause of freedom, wherever then end up.   Real world analogue - certain aspects of ancient Mesoamerican cultures

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