Tamica Character in Cartigar | World Anvil
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A human ranger that originally manned the Ranger's Tower outside Millers Bluff . She is fond of the party for helping her with an early boar problem at the tower. Tamica has shared the following recipes with the party:     More recently, Tamica has joined the party as the caretaker of Millers Keep and full time assistant to the all of the party's needs. Her agreement is stated as such:   Compensated at a level befitting of a lord/lady lifestyle, this is a dedicated role which would include all aspects of the Wanderers endeavors. Any opportunity to assist the party would fall within the realm of this role, regardless of the scope or complexity. She would be available to the party at all times, day, nights and weekends. Her expenses would be taken directly from the party treasury without the need for approvals, at her discretion. Tamica would need complete transparency into all aspects of the party's adventures in order to assist in such a highly trusted role.   While Tamica desired full access to The Lodge, the party chose to compromise at regular meetings between herself and @Teg instead.   Cost: 200g per month plus significant investments (10k+ as available)
Current Location

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Jan 1, 2020 03:12


Jan 12, 2020 00:16

Hells yeah!\