Humans Species in Carcidel | World Anvil
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A race of round-eared, mostly hairless beings native to Terra. Their largest nation, Terra Consortium, shuns religion and idolatry; extreme individualism reigns supreme, abolishing the concept of family. Further north, the humans of the Neo Tsov Imperium guard their ancestral ways with newfound industrial power.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Humans are a sapient species native to the planet Terra, which was also once the home planet of the Carcids. Terra is known for being a planet considerably stripped of resources from 3500 years of Carcid development, and is currently in a state where very few affluent nations can exist on it, mostly supported through considerable trade with other worlds. Because of this, the struggle for resources is a great cause of human-on-human violence across Terra.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Though Carcidelic names are still fairly common on Terra, many individuals are named according to their native languages. Names are almost always given by the state at birth for convenience, and are sometimes changed in adulthood. Most Humans have no concept of inheritable family names, and surnames are often picked by the individual when they have reached maturity. Many language groups exist beyond the provinces of Terra Consortium, therefore giving Humans a large variety of names as a whole.   Artanbo Male Names: Aartov, Drelek, Ganto, Odozier, Vaarig, Markaas. Artanbo Female Names: Ziebrea, Rhemakwo, Kaadjeau, Brakeeza, Eonbi, Yeauga. Artanbo Unisex Names: Edeom, Isrhen, Ambaarku   Atrostvalan Male Names: Fjolsvin, Kjarhof, Evtofhir, Terselven, Hethsarr, Keigan, Heskig, Jontorhef, Veitov, Renvas, Hugen. Atrostvalan Female Names: Tjalasve, Astred, Svolga, Hjalase, Keira, Jorhana, Mergan, Ydhonja, Tana, Esvalge, Aiskel.   Corvirian Male Names: Gordo, Rotgem, Bársano, Viqen, Jaq, Várta, Chanek, Tezmad, Maldez, Danav, Coseben. Corvirian Female Names: Teuria, Ávlin, Mestana, Eusvana, Izovya, Kalisie, Dároá, Cásvia, Visis, Ozaena, Dzilde.   Talamese Male Names: Auddim, Zayat, Sujek, Gara, Teyaj, Isirag, Kuraud, Ofausid, Jorauku, Yaset, Barakim. Talamese Female Names: Anur, Echan, Zanida, Rukyal, Zunam, Ezong, Chetra, Jehera, Ossauya, Teziri, Yaumin.   Tsov Unisex Names: Oajøan, Vuiseao, Sduokya, Keseukyo, Jraike, Gajeam, Uobya, Atsøgo, Veresyi, Tsibyaov, Jøri

Major Organizations

The only nation with major political recognition is the Terra Consortium, a coalition of several provinces that were once all part of the Carcid Empire. The province of Corveu is the most metropolitan, possessing conjuration portals linked to Serethia and the Eklautu Federation, making it advantageous in its ease of trade. The province of Talamur has a conjuration portal in the city of Emnios linked to Athev Domod, giving it a high population of Sethodj to assist in manufacturing, especially in the weapons department, in exchange for refuge from aberration attacks and belligerent conflicts.   Beyond the borders of Terra Consortium are the lands of Bloodfringe, a term for the territories warring over dominance of what little resources Terra has left. Bloodfringe is known for being populated by pirates, anarchists, warlords, and even tribal societies. Some of these societies have found allies beyond Terra through lesser known portals of their own, often including outcasts from other worlds who can pool together resources and engage in raids between several locations.

Beauty Ideals

This can vary between individuals and cultures quite vastly. In Terra Consortium, men generally choose to be clean-shaven or have angular facial hair, and bald men often shave their eyebrows and facial hair. Women commonly have monochromatic strips tattooed or painted down the lower lip, under the eye, or on the forehead. Long hair, short hair, and eyeliner is equally seen on both genders.

Gender Ideals

Men and women are represented equally in nearly every profession and are considered to both have the same legal rights. Gender division is rarely seen in Terra Consortium, even to the point that men and women share washrooms and other similar spaces.

Relationship Ideals

Humans often have little sense of fidelity and exclusivity in sexual relationships, but usually stick with each other long enough to bear children and verify them to the state for social benefits. Polygamy is somewhat common, but usually not in the case of reproductive intent, since it could make the state verification of who produced the child a bit of a conundrum. Marriage has been eliminated as a concept in Terra Consortium, being seen as an ideal that had been taken advantage of by collectivist customs to enforce the Carcid philosophy of euxantas.

Average Technological Level

Beyond the metropolitan expanse of Engaelsphyzos, the capital city of Terra Consortium that now engulfs the conjuration portal to Conclave, most cities possess second-rate technology compared to many of their political allies. Most cities utilize canals or tram systems with luxuries such as thaetrium-powered personal cars being only somewhat common. Rural zones often only have domesticated animals, rowboats, and sailboats for transportation, while being otherwise completely without thaetrium.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Though Carcidelic is spoken by nearly every Human on Terra, some native languages, such as Corvirian and Talamese, were still retained throughout the years and are spoken usually only by close associates. These native languages are at risk of becoming extinct, simply because very few speak them in the general public and outside of their respective geographical locations.

Common Dress Code

Humans are known for possessing formal wear with a large variety of darker colors, with straight ties, overcoats with traditional patterns along the trim, and extravagant cuff-links. Uniform is either uncommon or considerably loose in many professions, though it is popular for Overseers to have this formal wear combined with overcoats even more traditional in appearance, being more akin to tribal cloaks.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Human society within Terra Consortium encompasses the philosophy of Apsirasism, named after Reutcaz Apsiras, whose philosophy gained cumulative traction after the death of Vyzon in 3445 IC, and has served to be a significant antithesis to the philosophy of euxantas. Apsirasism postulates that blood relations are the ultimate barrier to true individualism, and that the closest an individual can come to freedom is to be removed from familial influences. In Apsirasism, the purest of influences on an individual are those of self-made bonds, because it accentuates the core nature of the individual; the only 'family' most Humans in Terra Consortium have are close associates. Apsirasism also denounces idolatry and marriage, believing them to also be negative influences to individualism as well, claiming that they are tools of collectivist elites to distract from oneself and enforce oppressive systems. By law, all children are moved shortly after birth to nurturing rooms that are frequently visited by different personnel each shift, and the children are then moved to public school in early childhood.   Apsirasist Fundamentalists are individuals who take self-determinism and self-improvement to the extreme. Possessing magical abilities from ozmyonic ritual, they lock themselves in fully-autonomous shelters to achieve their solitary ambitions. These shelters are called cenobia; a cenobium has automated functions that upkeep a garden, used for food and concentration, and are only visited by outsiders once per month for regular maintenance. The Apsirasist Fundamentalists who live in these cenobia strive for superior knowledge and breakthroughs in their field, viewing the regular trappings of society as an intrusion, a distraction to greatness. Through magical insight and uninhibited solitude, these cenobites are known for unlocking great secrets. This program/lifestyle is funded by the state, and is an option for anyone who has completed Advanced Pedagogy, or for the most exceptional children from Basic Pedagogy.   Similar to Serethian society, Humans have Overseers for scrying the populace for legal management. Overseers are not as glamorized in Human society, but the benefits are slightly more lucrative.

Common Taboos

Idolatry, raising your own children, commitment to blood relatives, marriage, organized religion, public worship, apathy towards education.

Historical Figures

Reutcaz Apsiras was known for establishing Apsirasism, a philosophy responsible for shaping much of Human society, and is considered the greatest cause to the discontinuation of euxantas, and even the eventual fall of the Carcid Empire according to some thinkers. Reutcaz Apsiras was executed for high treason in the Carcid Empire in 3448 IC.
Genetic Descendants

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