Caravans Bloodclaw Investigation
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Bloodclaw Investigation


4/3 2:00
4/3 14:00

The Bloodclaws Bandits plot is discovered and the final gang member is defeated.

The characters hire six NPCs to assistant with various duties.   Shortly after midnight Stout Flame vistits the characters and identities Grumagul the leader of the gang, Vef the second in command, and all the others as members of the Bloodclaw Bandits. He also informs the characters that he talked to Bori the owner of shop that sold the poison to the gang. Twins bought the poison in hopes to kill a nest of giant rats. This poison is not meant for medium sized creatures so some one must be giving multiple doses to the grandparents to keep them sick. At this point the characters go to the house of the sick grandparents and confront a house servant, after a brief integration execute the last member of the gang.   The characters have the deed to the Sphinx’s Emporium with no next of kin to contest ownership it now belongs to the characters.