Vlahorn Character in Caravans | World Anvil
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Vlahorn Galathaniel

Vahorn is a male elf merchant in the Elven Boroughs of The Monolith. He operates Funda’s Vault of the Macabre.He also is a part time ambassador for the Necromancy Tower of the Wizards Guild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vlahorn is short for an elf. With an even thinner build than most elves.

Body Features

Rugged copper skin. Standing at 5’7”, with a skinny build.

Facial Features

Sharp angular, slightly attractive face. Short straight gray hair parted from the left. Silvery gray eyes.

Physical quirks

His hands and arms bare many scars. Yet they are very nimble.

Apparel & Accessories

Necromancers lime green robe with the official badge on the left breast

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Active member of the Wizards Guild. He has progressed threw all nine floors of the necromancy towers.


He is employed by the necromancy tower of the Wizards Guild to operate Funda’s Vault of the Macabre. While also acting as an ambassador for the the tower on any necromancy subject.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vlahorn was personally chosen by the Magus of The necromancy tower to manage Funda’s Vault of the Macabre.

Morality & Philosophy

he views remains and the undead as a useful tools not to be wasted or destroyed


Contacts & Relations

Vlahorn has many connections throughout the Wizards Guild.

Social Aptitude

Confident of his knowledge of all things Macabre. He loves sharing his knowledge in small groups.


Vlahorn is polite and respectful

Hobbies & Pets

He is the curator of the the guilds collection of Macabre artifacts.

Wealth & Financial state

He is from a mid class family.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ambassador Vlahorn
Year of Birth
353 SA 70 Years old
The Monolith
Current Residence
Vlahorn lives in the top floor of Funda’s Vault of the Macabre.
Silvery gray calculating eyes
Short straight silver hair parted to the left
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rugged copper skin
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Sylvan

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