Angelic Curios Myth in Capacia | World Anvil
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Angelic Curios

When communion with us you seek to find,
provide that of which magic is intertwined.


The Curios are artifacts from a time when Angels still walked and flew over the land, before man, elf, or dwarf built cities. The Curios are devices by which the Angels learned to harness pure arcane power. Their shape, make, and count is unknown, but it is generally hypothesized by The Institute that there are four Curios.   The Angels kept the Curios in places of great power, convergences and nexuses of ley lines. They built temples around the Curios and would commune and work there. When the Gods departed and the Angles re-tasked, they were forced to abandon their holy sites, either by advancing sentient life or by encroaching dark forces. Not understanding the power of the Curios, the new inhabitants built cities on top of them, or were wary and avoided them altogether, to be forgotten in the wild.   A poem speaks that if the Curios are reunited it is said that the Angels will come back to speak with the mortal races. If one can wield the Curios one can control the arcane.

Historical Basis

There are various works of art and ancient chronicles depicting the legend and a series of four symbols recurring. They can be found in the works of all races including Dwarves, Humans, Elves, and Halflings.


The legend has spread throughout Capacia and now uniquely in focus after the disappearance of Whitethorn Bay. The Institute believes the Curios were involved in The Flash.

Variations & Mutation

The dwarves of the Khandrat Hegemony believe the original Curios are lost or destroyed and believe they can find plans to make their own and use them to further the ambitions of the Hegemony.

Cultural Reception

Until the disappearance of Whitethorn, the legend had been told as only a bedtime story or folk tale to share when a particularly large shadow from the sky fell over someone's path.

In Art

There are numerous works of art, particularly in Elvish and Dwarfish work, depicting Angels and their power.
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Cover image: The Symbols of the Angelic Curios by Caleb Torello


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