Jani (Individual Janus) Species in Candles in the Dark | World Anvil
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Jani (Individual Janus)

Amorphous Mammalian Amorphous Bonus: Shapeshifting, Strong Attribute (+2 Charisma)

Basic Information


True form is an amorphous blob of grey goo with a brain floating in the middle. has the ability to drastically change its body but it is not a quick process.

Genetics and Reproduction

reproduce Asexually every 25 years by a process very similar to cell division

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Rarely uses names and when they do often change them frequently

Common Taboos

asking to see their true form or asking them to change shape.


A world with a super dense atmosphere and gravity twice as strong as earths causing life to be tough and malleable to survive under the extreme pressures. Jani evolved methodically as more and more congregated and combined brain power to develop new technologies. lacking culture of any type adopting new ones they discover often.
Scientific Name
Mutare Non
60 Years
Average Weight
200 pounds

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