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A divided land, metaphorically and literally. The collapsed cliffs known as the Wall separate the coastlands and chapparal of the Crescent from the grassy highlands known as the East Sward. The Crescent is ruled by the dying human race who consider themselves the Older Race and by that virtue alone, should rule the cambion living within their borders.   The East Sward is considered "lawless" frontier land, abandoned to the heretical followers of the Usurper Gods according to those in the Crescent. The Sward is ruled by separate tribes of centaur-like chairona who follow the sun to different regions for food and ceremony. Some tribes are at war, but most simply ignore the others.   Further east are the ancient and crumbling mountains populated by the avian race, the daedali, who use their wings to glide from peak to peak in short paths. Generally, they have neither the strength nor endurance for proper flight.   To the north are the lorelae and lorelei. Some describe them as snakes, others fish, those few who are allowed to treat with the dwellers of the glacial waters. Males are able to survive short periods of time out of the water, but the females are purely aquatic.   Running through the heart of the Sward is a great river that unites all corners excepting the Crescent. At the great joining of the regional rivers is a plain where the tribes can unite and discuss topics of interest for all those in the high- and higher lands

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