Galad Aur Geographic Location in Calstyria | World Anvil
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Galad Aur

The rolling golden hills of Galad Aur are home to a government filled with all different races and fueled by coin. Clinging to a romanticized version of chivalry and knighthood, gold runs in it's veins, from the purses spent at dockside taverns to the lavish manors of the nobles.


Galad Aur is largely made of rolling hills, rocky ridges, and green valleys. Much of the land is rich and arable, but certain swaths in the east are sulfurous and often left unframed.

Fauna & Flora

Many species of long grasses grow in the plains, and pockets of ash and oak trees litter the landscapes. Plants of note are large bushes of clandine, and herb that is difficult to cultivate on farmland but is used in many medicines and natural remedies. Herds of goats are native to the hills, especially in the north east, and are sometimes kept in herds by farmers in the lowlands.

Natural Resources

Wood is sparse, and in an effort to keep what little forest dots the land, most of Galad Aur's wood is imported from the south. Expansive fields grow mainly wheat, barely, and maize. In small amounts, wool and hides from the goats is harvested and exported. Sulfurous minerals and other strange minerals are also starting to be discovered in the dark dirt of the eastern hills.


  • Galad Aur
    A map of the nation of Galad Aur and the surrounding countryside.
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