Emilia Rivers Character in Cain University | World Anvil
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Emilia Rivers

Exceptionally Gifted Opera Singer

Student Council President




Emilia Rivers  

Main Talent:

Operatic Singing  

Sub Talents:

Acoustics, Psychology, Computer Science  








115 lbs  



Blood Type:


Favorite Color:



  Emilia Rivers is the current head of the student council at Cain University and has held this position since the end of her second year at the university, with her joining the student council towards the end of her first year, a month after Alrik was elected to join. Seen as being incredibly kind and motherly, even in spite of some of her more controversial presidential decisions, Emilia has strong support from the majority of the student body and even the school's faculty.   In regards to her talents, she is known across the globe for her unqiue and inspirational singing voice, which is rumored to be able to elicit any emotion that she desires from the listener. Emilia was brought up in a musical household and from a young age, she placed first in nearly every singing competition her parents enrolled her in. Even though such an upbringing wasn't her decision, she never grew to spite any of it. Instead choosing to embrace her talents and love of song and music. She feels as if music, and singing especially, are the most influential devices when it comes to swaying human emotions. During her time in middle school, this realization of her melodic persuasiveness gave her a peaked interest in human psychology, as she wanted to help others in the world overcome their grief and depression with her music.   However, once she turned 18, Emilia was plagued by an unknown disease. Overtime, this has slowly sapped her of most of her energy and stole her ability to walk, leaving her wheelchair bound by the age of 21. This disease has also left her highly immunocompromised, causing her to only make large public appearances about once every year with limited audiences. Each year her condition seems to worsen and her doctors always seem surprised when she is able to live beyond their expectations. During her time at Cain University however, her aliment has helped her foster a lasting friendship with the student council vice president, M, who has dedicated much of his time and research to finding a cure for her. However, she has always encouraged him to pursue treatments that would benefit mankind as a whole and not just herself.    It's believed her influence on him is what helped drive M to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, as he loves hearing her perform live. But, Emilia was shut away from the majority of people while covid was ravaging the world as to not catch it herself and let it take her life.




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