Julyen Moran Character in Cagiadh | World Anvil
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Julyen Moran

Julyen Moran is the current king of Lassara and patriarch of House Moran. His wife, Arla, died in 1000 AK during the birth of their only child Lyra Moran. As the king he wields Wind, one of the shards of Neril, Narya's sword of light and also carries the protective amulet of Nary, said to save the wearer from certain death.  

Personal History

  Born in Lassa, Julyen spent his childhood in the capital, receiving the education and training a future king and heir to House Moran receives. With 16, as is tradition, he joined the Borderguard and spent the next two years fighting and patrolling on the borders of the plains. During his term he distinguished himself after an orc raid had slipped through the defensive net of Lassaran patrols and had taken prisoners from a dozen farms, taking them back to Shokai as slaves.   Julyen volunteered to lead an expedition to catch the orc raiding group before it could get back to their camps but the plan failed and the future king and his men faced attacking the orcs within their camp, reinforced and at least lightly fortified or returning home empty handed. Rousing his men, Julyen assaulted the camp, his ferocity driving back even the orcs, the oldest of their warriors being impressed by the human's bravery. Forcing them to retreat the Bordermen managed to free the recent captives and even some women and children who had been held there as slaves for years.   After his term at the Borderguard the young man returned to Lassa and studied for seven years at the university of Lassa, focussing on mathematics, economics and geography, visiting The Great Sands to write a document on it's people to graduate from his studies. Getting to know the Akk'aren he formed an unusual friendship with one of their chieftains, earning the respect of the desertfolk like few kings before him.   As a fresh graduate from the university his father, King Vytor Moran, put him in charge of Harvestbridge where he served as a local lord, leader of troops and executive supervisor over the trading efforts of his house. He spent the next five years there, the city prospering under his leadership and the young lord learned to love Harvestbridge, especially one particular inhabitant of the town. Arla Luivere was the daughter of a local noble and of course her father immediately agreed to the marriage proposal when he heard the future king was interested in his daughter. Marrying her in 983 AK they spent another year as a married couple living in Harvestbridge until his father died in a hunting accident and Julyen took the throne at age 30 in the year 984 AK.   Under his rule the kingdom has had peace for many years now, the king having very little need to ride out to battle, except for a few raids from the plains that the royal army helped repel. His reign started out as a strong and just one, the king maneuvering to take privileges from the other Houses, specifically House Istion, strengthening the crown's position while simultaneously weakening the houses but when his wife died during childbirth the king's mood turned darker and he spent more and more time secluded in his chambers within the royal palace. The high houses took back most of the power they had to give up, in some cases even aquiring privileges they never had before but there are rumours that the king is on the verge of enforcing new laws to keep the nobles in check.
Current Location
Year of Birth
954 AS 62 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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