Widower's Wood Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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Widower's Wood

The swampy forest to the north and east of Corvis enjoys a sinister reputation that has clung to it for centuries. Nearly a thousand years before the rebellion against the Orgoth, these dank woods were home to the Thamarite who would become Scion Lukas, a sadistic mass murderer whose name strikes fear even into those who worship the Dark Twin.

Today, Widower’s Wood is home mostly to locals of primarily Morridane descent whom outsiders call “swampies.” They share the woods with numerous swamp gobber tribes, as well as gatormen, bog trogs, bogrin, and even croaks. Unfortunately for them, they also share the murky domain with tatzylwurms, swamp shamblers, necromantic bone swarms, and the ravenous swamp horrors that lurk in the depths of the forest’s least accessible regions. Even in the years prior to the Claiming, the swampy mire of Widower’s Wood made the region all but impossible to settle more thoroughly or build upon. Today, even the Trollkin kriels who live in the area tend to steer clear of the fetid forest’s dark interior.
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