The Monastery of the Order of the Fist Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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The Monastery of the Order of the Fist

Along the Burning Road, in the sunbaked province of Varhdan, lies the Monastery of the Order of the Fist, perched upon a prominence of red sandstone that juts from the surrounding desert. Founded by Hierarch Garrick Voyle during the time when the Protectorate of Menoth was forbidden by treaty to arm its citizens, the monastery was meant to forge the faithful into weaponless warriors. The monastery’s inhospitable location is part of the trials that any allegiant of the Order of the Fist must undertake.

Service to the Lawgiver is never easy, and those who travel the path of the Order of the Fist undergo privations that would make even the most devout among the rest of the populace think twice. Only those who can forge themselves into rock as unyielding as the walls of the Creator become fully fledged members of the order.

Despite the order’s name, martial skill is not its only focus. Its master, Grand High Allegiant Haveron Grayden, may be far advanced in years, but he has lost none of his grace and poise. The first lesson he teaches anyone who wishes to join the order is that it is first and foremost about coming to know the will of the Creator. Grayden lives and works alongside the order’s other monks, and he asks of them nothing he does not do twice as much of himself.

One of the most accomplished theologians of the Protectorate, the Grand High Allegiant laments what his nation has become. Although the Order of the Fist once served as the theocracy’s police force, the monks who train within its walls today are learning to protect the faith from within as well as without. Grayden has given allegiants leave to journey to other lands to root out infernalism and wickedness even if it means allying with traditional rivals of the faith.
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