The Khadoran Order of the Wall Organization in Caen | World Anvil
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The Khadoran Order of the Wall

The oldest order of Menite knights, the Order of the Wall has always had a strong presence in Khador. This is hardly surprising, as the principles of the Old Faith are closely aligned with those of the order, in contrast to the more zealous doctrines of the Protectorate of Menoth. Based out of a great monastery near the palace in Korsk, the Khadoran Order of the Wall has seen its membership swell in the years since the Claiming thanks to new recruits taken from among the orphans left behind by the conflict, and the Khadoran Old Faith has gained fresh converts from both disillusioned Protectorate Menites and those who have witnessed the horrors of the infernals firsthand.

In addition to training new recruits, the order has been tasked with rooting out and destroying remaining nests of infernal corruption within the empire. Whereas the Greylords Covenant investigates more insidious threats and larger cults, the Order of the Wall is often called upon by those of the Old Faith to help small villages on the fringes that might otherwise be ignored.

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