Skell Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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No place in Cryx is untouched by the Dragonfather’s blight, but in the capital city of Skell, this affliction is palpable. The air is coated at all times with a dusting of black soot and ash, and any who dare look directly at the Black Temple that dominates the skyline, or at the smooth spike of Toruk’s Citadel alongside it, find their vision twisting and their eyes dimming with tears.

The city itself is not abandoned even though it appears so at first glance. The streets are empty, for venturing out into the constant snowfall of black ash means subjecting oneself to the warping and potentially deadly power of the dragon’s blight. None come to the capital of the Nightmare Empire unless they wish to offer their worship and praise to the Dragonfather, and his priesthood makes up the entire population of the city, save for the lich lords and their various servants. Indeed, the Blighted City is unguarded and without garrison. The presence of the lich lords alone would be enough to secure Skell from any would-be invaders, and even if it were not, the presence of the Dragonfather would suffice admirably.

The Black Temple is by far the largest structure in Skell; in fact, some would argue that the entire city itself is nothing more than a shrine to Toruk’s might. Built to accommodate the massive Dragonfather himself, the domes of the Black Temple dwarf any habitations or cathedrals of merely human proportions. Next to the Temple, a black spike of twisted metal and bone juts skyward, seeming to pierce the heavens. This is the dominion of Toruk, and none—not even the lich lords themselves—dare enter it unbidden.
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