Midfast Geographic Location in Caen | World Anvil
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When the Order of the Golden Crucible was forced out of Llael by the Khadoran invasion, it relocated its headquarters to Midfast. King Baird was able to negotiate a deal that was beneficial to both sides, and even after a free Llael was once again established and the order opened new chapters in its former home base of Leryn, its main headquarters and that of the Crucible Guard remained in Midfast.

Even before the coming of the order, Midfast was vital to Ord’s overland military. Spanning one of the few canyon passes in the craggy Murata Hills, which separate Ord from Khador, the city has withstood countless sieges and has never fallen. To either side of the city itself stands the Markuswall, which extends for miles through the hills and reaches almost as far as the twin forts of Boarsgate in the east and Scarswell in the west.

The citizens of Midfast live in the shadow of its fortifications, both literally and figuratively. Ord’s largest garrison is stationed here alongside huge detachments of Crucible Guard, and the battlements of the Keep of Shields and the Markuswall dominate the skyline. These ancient fortifications overlook picturesque buildings of white stone with red and brown roofs where the townsfolk live their lives and merchants sell their wares.

Besides being an important military stronghold, Midfast is a vital trade nexus, especially during this time of relative peace. Trade routes from Khador and Rhul flow through the city, and the presence of the Order of the Golden Crucible helps Midfast export large quantities of firearms, blasting powder, and alchemical agents. The city is also home to a steady stream of pilgrims who come to visit the Cathedral of the Valiant Martyrs and the Tomb of Ascendant Markus.
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