Cult of Nyrro Organization in Caen | World Anvil
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Cult of Nyrro

Some three centuries after the initial exodus of their gods from Ios, the elves suddenly received glad tidings. The priests of the Fane of Nyrro declared that their god had returned to Eversael with messages for his people. For a time, the Iosans were animated with a joy and hope that had been absent for hundreds of years, but the truth would prove more devastating than their former uncertainty.

When the hoax was exposed, the Cult of Nyrro were revealed to have committed horrific blasphemies in the dungeons beneath their fane, including the slaying of countless innocent souls, whether as part of their dark rituals or to preserve their terrible secret. Most of the cultists were put to the sword by the Dawnguard, whose long association with the Arsyr of Day meant that they took the betrayal of the god’s priests as a personal affront. The surviving cultists vanished into the dungeons beneath the city and committed even darker deeds, eventually becoming some of the first eldritch. Eversael was abandoned, and its ruins were soon rumored to have become a haunted, accursed place.

The former members of the Cult of Nyrro languished underground for centuries, biding their time and waiting for the day they could return to the surface. That day finally came when Ghyrrshyld returned to the forests of Ios. Dubbed “the Forgiven,” the former eldritch had been restored to life by the goddess Scyrah herself, and he eventually began turning other fallen Iosans into eldritch through his bond with a void archon. Emboldened by these new eldritch, the Cult of Nyrro slowly emerged from beneath Eversael and began returning to elven society.

When Elara slew Nyssor and Scyrah, the aftermath transformed every surviving living elf in Ios that possessed a soul into an eldritch. Creatures that had once been viewed as abominations were now all that remained other than the soulless, and the Cult of Nyrro found themselves in a position they had not enjoyed since their hoax against the Iosan people had been exposed. As the oldest surviving eldritch in Ios, they understood their condition in ways their newly transformed kin could not, and in the time since the Sundering, more and more eldritch have turned to the once-anathematized cult for guidance.

After hiding beneath the ruins of Eversael for centuries, the Cult of Nyrro has ascended once more. Several members are now counted among the most important advisors to the shaken Consulate Court, and many of them expect to one day hold a seat on this governing body, if not usurp it entirely. For now, however, the cultists bide their time, as they have done for so long, and watch their power grow day by day.
Religious, Cult

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