Protectors of Caelderan - Chapter I Plot in Caelderan | World Anvil
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Protectors of Caelderan - Chapter I

Chapter I

The Struggle
As first rays of sun touched Solen hands, it was in this moment, when he's realize what actually happened during his night watch. He was standing it the middle of what was just evening before, his garrison's post in front of North Gate to the last city of Faeldor - Falkren. Young paladin looked at his hands but he can see only the blood of his fellow brothers, blood which drop by drop fell on the red and grey ground covered by ashes and dead bodies.   While Solen was standing, in his head, battle repeated over and over from last night. That night noone could know that Spectors was that close. It was quick, brutal and unexpected. They almost didn't stand a chance agaist them, even when North Gate watched over 30 paladins. Fight with Spectors is hard during a day but in the night it's almost imposible.   As far as Solen recall, Spectors didn't came that close to the city, something must happened. What was it, he couldn't care less, only a grief and anger was in his mind. Seconds before the attack no sound was heard, everything goes silence. First his Captain was killed as Spector glitched back to this world, his sword in mighty swing decapitated Captain head. Then around 10 Spectors glitched behind him. As paladins started to fight and more of their fellow brothers fell, their realize, no survival is posible, only thing they could hope for was fulfile their duty and protect the inosent people behind their gate.   Paladins fight hard as their fathers before them and fathers of their fathers. On one defeted Spector three Paladins fell. One can kill Spector only in the moment when they are fully present in this world. But Spectors could kill you durring time when they are glitching. Brothers in amrs sacrificed themselfs just to earn time for others to strike in the right moment. As fight continued Solen find himself in front of two Spectors. His first idea was on death, as he seen his brothers dying one by one.   In moment when Solen grabed hilt of his sword, he felt touch of divinity. No fear was left in his mind as he steped forward and swinged his sword to parry firts Spector diagonal attack on his upper body. In this moment Spector took step back and wabbled. Solen didnt hesitate, his strike was quick and precise. He felt slight resistence when his sword cut to the Spector head. After this moment only Solen and last foe was on the battlefield. Spector cut with his axe, but edge of the axe tasted only air next to Solen as he quickly took step to side and stab Spector with his sword. Last attacker was defeted, fires that Paladins had for light, almost extinguished and sun started to rise over horizon. Solen knelled down in hope to help his brothers. But it was too late. That night in the order to protect North Gate 29 paladins died. As sun raises higher, rays of the sun started enlighted that horible scene for people standing on city's walls. Dead bodies on the ground, wooden palisade burned, ashes mixed with blood of dead wariors and in the middle of this scene Solen how is looking on his hands covered with blood.   After this next thing Solen remembers, is how he was taken back to the city and to infirmary, rest of that day is in the mist.  

The Guilt

On second day Solen finally comes to himself. "I am warrior, paladin and protector of the Caelderan", says Solen to himself, as he was taught to believe in that since a child, but in the back of his mind, guilt started to rise, guilt that only he survived that night even if he defeted two foes he wasn't able to help to his brothers, brothers which he swear to protect.
As Solen was lost in his thought nurse who was taking care of injured paladins noticed that Solen was sitting on his bed, not notising her gaze. She was nearly finnished with changing bandage on badly wounded paladin. Nurse stud up from paladin's bed and took old bloody bandages to the back room. When she's returned, Solen was sitting in the same position. As she start to walk his eyes finally caught the movment. As he looked in the that direction his and nurses looks met through the dust shined by sunlight in this old infirmary which is for most Fealdor warriors, end of the road. Nurse aproached to Solen. In her look Solen sees that she wanted to tell him something but could find a proper words. He didn't blame her for it, most souls that she looks after are on the edge between this world and next, they don't need words they need care. With small tremble in her voice nurse speaks to Solen,
"We thought you'r mind is in the place of no return", she continued, "When soldiers brought you in, you were mumbuling in language i never heard before, your eyes was all white and in your voice", nurse cearfully chose words, "was something unatural, soldiers themself was scared and decided to guard outside the infirmary".
Solen looked her in the eyes but wasn't able to speak as he couldn't understand word that nurse told to him. But after all one thing he was able to told her,
"I, I don't remember what happend after the attack.".
After moment of silence nurse speaks again
"I will bring you some water, you have to be thirsty after all what you came throught".
Solen simply nodded with his head. As nurse was heading back to backroom he was lost in his mind again.   After while nurse's returning with a jug of water, but this wasn't only thing that came back with her, two guard with heavy plaited boots, which was rythmicaly bashing to the wooden floor of infirmary.
"She must told them i was awake, offcourse our commanders would love to know what the hell happend that nigh, but what do i told them, i myself don't know." he thought. Just before nurse handle him a cup of watter that on of the soldiers, most likely senior officer yeld at him.
"Soldier you are needed for report in barracks".
Before he refreshed his throat with second sip of water, Solen automaticly stud up, took his coat of arms, look to nurse's eyes with gratitude and started to walking with his escort. During this quick glance to nurse's eyes his noticed maybe a contempt no, it was fear mixed with one question, question that he asked himself but did not know the answer for - Why he survive with no harm at all when all his brothers died.

As they're was leaving infirmary layout of Faeldor lied in front of them. City was situated in mountains, it was built before 200 year around last Falkren stronghold. City holds today around 3000 souls with garrison. As mist started to rise away, mountain side from west started to apear in they're eyes, on the opposite side of mountain side is deep abyss, which hold a massive river at the bottom. Faeldor have only two acces points - North and South Gate. Beffore war stronghold protected a mountain merchant route, from North Aliance kingdom to Faeldor. It was one of three main routes through the mountains. As Solen and two escorting soldiers took main route in the city, massive stronghold with thick stone walls started to take form. Entrance to the stronghold was guarded by four soldiers and wooden doors from mountain trees were atleast 10 inchis strong. Just to open them stronghold engineers made a hoist build in stone walls, which was accesable only from the inside, operated by four people. Walls were one and half fathom strong. That alone help to build massive tower with wide vantage point to the mountain road.

That time is forgotten. Today stronghold serves as main headquarters of last high command of Falkren. They were almost in. Guard of fortress did not stop them, they knew that they were expected. When they walked in, escort stoped Solen. It don't took long and Commander Solas approached them.
"I will took over this young paladin from now", said Solas and after that escort leaved them.
Commander pointed to the nearby door, Solen complied and both of them walked to the room. In the middel of room stood massive wooden table which seens better days. On top of the table were military maps. Sun barely penetrated in, as both windows was directed to mountain side. For Solen that made this conversation harder as mood in the room was dark like a lighting as he felt responsibility for not being able to helped his brothers in arms.

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